
Does it matter if you make your schedule for highschool less rigorous?

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last year i was in ap lang, honors spanish 4, honors art, honors precalc.

next year i was going to take ap art, and ap gpv/econ

does that look bad on college apps

i could take ap lit and ap art instead but the ap lit teacher is really insane and her class will take up my life. i dont want to have the same spanish teacher, and ap calc is not happening.... does it matter if i do that?




  1. Taking AP classes does matter.  Colleges look strongly at the rigour of your courses.

    If a kid has a 3.9 GPA while taking no APs, he better be ready to lose his spot to a student with a 3.1 GPA that took 3 or 4 APs.  Colleges want to see students who challenge themselves

  2. ok, you should pick classes you know you will do good in. Its not worth taking AP classes, becasue it will "look good" on your college apps, but your GPA is busted as h**l.

    I took AP for the first 3 years in HS, Senior I got a reality check and drop from Advanced placement to just plain honors. And i boosted my GPA, Im telling went sky high,  BECAUSE i took Honors, a little less rigorous course work.

    I got accepted to my top choices, becuase of my GPA and SAT. So its not really the course work, but your diligence. Even if you take "easy classes" it wont hurt you, it will actually help you O_o

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