
Does it matter that Palin has spent more time in the governor's chair than Obama has on the Senate floor?

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If liberals now want to suddenly raise "experience" as a qualification, then yes, I think it does matter.

Seems to me that when it comes to actual political accomplishment, Palin brings more to the table than Obama does -- and she's not even running for President.




  1. Two years ago Palin was the mayor of a small two horse town in Alaska and now McCain thinks she is qualified to help him negotiate treaties with the Russians. God McCain must think we are dumb

  2. R U nuts, I think its funny he picked her so that he could get Hillarys voters to come to him , not going to work because I was a Hillay voter and I am tired of the d**n mess you republicans have done to us, and if you was smart you would wake up and see the light , unless you make 5 million a year

  3. Obama has 11 years in government....Palin has 20 months.

  4. Bush has been president for almost 8 years; so he has more experience that anyone running to be president: Does that mean he's good enough to be elected for another 8 years?

    Experience without wisdom and judgment is just time served.

  5. She's a know it, we know it, attacking her will make you you have to not attack her...insulting her will make you a bully you cant insult...she was chosen to be the new Hillary in a hope that all Hillary fans will drop Hillary and move to her...once again she was chosen to get the 18 matter what her background is.

  6. there have been a lot more Governors in the White House than Senators.  The job is the same (obviously on a smaller scale), and no amount of legislative experience equates to actual Executive experience.  so, yeah two years as Governor, of even the smallest state is better preparation for the Presidency (or Vice-Presidency) than a decade in Congress.

  7. I totally agree.. But of course the obamabots are programed to not see the truth...

  8. Shes not even running and has executive experience as opposed to legislative experience. She also actually created "change" as opposed to voting present

  9. If it were the republicans choice, you'd probably be in Asia right about now.  

  10. Obama has "experience" see

    145 days experience in Washington, Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.

  11. well you are twisting the truth as always. Barack Obama has 24 years of serving the community, from Community organizer to state house and senate from Chicago, to the US senate. Much more impressive than a beauty pagent contestant, stay home mom, major of a 6000 people town and governor of the 47th state in population for 2 years

  12. Governors actually have to manage people and budgets.  A State Governor, like the manager of a very large business, is one that, in time, can be objectively judged as a failure or a success.  Legislators, on the other hand, can languish in office for decades making every problem worse by making government larger, and less efficient.  Unfortunately, legislators can stay in office by simply making promises to the folks back home to bring them some booty.

    Very specifically, Barak Obama's short time in Congress is long enough to see that he has much more in common with tyrants, Lenin and Stalin, than with our nation's Founding Fathers.

    The Governor of Alaska has proven to be a very successful manager of the people's resources.  Now, if the GOP will only dump McCain from the ticket, I'd be very pleased to vote for Sarah Palin for President.    

  13. This is great. She looks hardcore. Can't wait for her to b**** slap Obama.

  14. Palin's was a witle town. Tensy weensy. Obama is better. Smarter, too. And he's not evil.

  15. well it would make sense except obama has more than 10 years experiance in the state legislator. im sorry but the state senate and the state govenor are pretty much =. and obama has done it for a longer time. paldin is not as experianced if you really want to bring it to that.  

  16. What has she governed, out last frontier state far away that is full of bears, moose, wolves and drunks. The two of them want to reverse Roe Vs Wade which will really turn off a lot of women. The mayor of a big city has more experience than she has. Besides people don't follow the issues anymore.

  17. You just keep telling yourself that sweetheart.  *wink*

  18. Who raised "experience" in the fist place?

  19. And a Governor has a much tougher job. Obama never had to command the national guard or balance a budget.

  20. It does matter but only if you are willing to admit it.

    I just heard Alan Colms (sp?) attack her because she like to eat Caribou.  That's all they no - attack attack attack but how dare you question anything of substance against a lib.

  21. Don't lie to me Jenny.  Palin's only been governor for 2 years...

  22. Absolutely!  Experience is key.  Leaving the old school shaking in their boots is CHANGE.

  23. I'm not trying to be funny, but seriously, are you a U.S. citizen? If you're not, then you're wasting your time. If you are, then you need to do better research. While Palin was still breastfeeding her first 3 children, Obama was on the streets of Chicago trying to make some changes. And while 2 1/2 years ago Palin was a soccer-excuse me--hockey mom, Obama was in the senate. Faulty math and propaganda aren't going to win votes.

  24. We don't want to raise it we want to take it off the table.  All this time mccain has been attacking obama for lack of experience then he goes and picks someone who is relatively inexperienced as well.  This is more about the hypocrisy and flip flopping of john mccain than an issue about experience.  He keeps pandering.

  25. Yeah, no kidding. She has a lot more experience than Obama. She is governor of Alaska, after all.

  26. Here is what Alaskans think of Sarah Palin for VP:

  27. No, it doesn't matter. This is horrible logic! Whether you like it or not, more people watched Obama's speech last night than the opening of the Olympics. Probably 1 out of every 1,000 of those people knew who Palin is before today. If you don't see that as a major, major concern, you probably should.  

  28. NOPE - still think that was a stupid choice - but than again....that's typical McSame......just has to have that trophy, I bet Cindy McPercocet is FUMING!

  29. Palin is more qualified right now to be PRESIDENT than Barack Hussein.

  30. It's a great choice and makes a world of difference. I am quite happy that McCain chose a governor to be his running mate.

    McCain has a long resume of foreign affairs credentials and legislative accomplishments. However being a member of Congress is very different than being a chief executive. If you are a governor,(or the president) the decisions you make, good or bad, are yours alone. As a legislator, the decisions you make, good or bad, are a part of the whole.

    Obama, who has never passed a single piece of major legislation, likes to portray himself as someone who can change Washington. Okay, fair enough. For all his talk about change, he doesn't have a clue, he needs a political insider to help him. So who does he choose as his running mate? Someone who has been entrenched in the Washington power structure for 36 years! That doesn't sound like change to me.

    McCain, who has been in Washington for 25 years himself, chooses a running mate who helps him with his weak area, executive experience.   To be quite honest, that is something Obama, Biden and McCain all lack. And why shouldn't he pick someone with that kind of experience? McCain may know how to maneuver in Congress, but he needs someone to keep his executive house in order while does it.

    Palin has been a Governor. She has experience in working with administrative agencies. She know for fighting corruption. She isn't someone who compromises her beliefs for political expediency. She isn't beholden to the insiders in Washington. Yes, Palin's experience dwarfs Obama's. If the liberals want to challenge her on this issue, they do so at their own peril.

  31. Oh please, Palin didn't even govern as many people as Obama. She doesn't have much experience. The end.

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