
Does it matter that "Global Warming" isnt only caused by man?

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but is a natural cycle, I mean really now, would you like to continue polluting the earth anyways, in a way that has negative affects on a persons health and all other living things.

I dont think it really matters either way, we should be paying attention to the contributions that co2 and other hydrocarbons are having on the already cyclical cycle, which only makes the affects worse than they have to be.

I just dont see why people argure whether global warming is real or not, of course its real, how could you believe it isnt, I live right next to exxon mobile and I see all the gasses they pump into the atmosphere, and this is just one of many refineries.




  1. Global warming is a scam. the world has had volcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages, meteors, and floods for millions of years. No problem. Now some simple carbon dioxide that is essentially just plant food is going to destroy everything? LoL. This has to be one of the biggest communist hoaxes of all time.

    I understand that most of the history of the world has seen warmer temperatures and that we are emerging from the mini-ice age following the Krakatoa volcanic eruption 800 years ago. I think that the earth would be warming right now if humans weren't here. I also know that there has been increased solar flare activity in recent years that may be contributing to temperature increases. The last 25 years has seen very slight temperature increases for ALL the other planets in the solar system as well.

    Evaportion is good for living things because 2/3 of the earth's surface is water and what goes up must come down. I don't necessarily believe increases in CO2% will increase plant growth directly as some do because this increase is only a very minor amount and of course CO2 is not generally thought of as the limiting factor in plant growth but more often sunlight and to a less consistent degree water which as I've mentioned should increase with higher planetary temperature. Increased rainfall will balance the water factor enough to increase land mass coverage by foliage. When the volcanic dust blocked out sunlight 800 years ago oxygen levels plummeted as photosynthetic organisms collapsed.leading to a new ice age round of large animal extinctions.

    Arctic and antarctic circle animal, plant and human tribe extinctions also occored. The mass migrations out of northern Asia and Scandanavia sparked huge unrest and the northern Asian population has barely begun to recover. As the world recovers from yet another ice age humans have become self aware enough to recognize the dynamic nature of the earth's climate but maybe not enough to percieve all factors.

    Al Gore says the oceans will rise up to 25 feet! From just the frozen north and south poles? Are you kidding me? He can't really think think the world is dumb enough to believe that obvious lie. If the caps melt the ocean will rise very little. You see I took GEOMETRY in school. The earth is a sphere. A vast majority of the sphere is not covered by ice. Each half has to be far less than 10% ice covered even in the winter, probably less than 5% in the summer. LOL. It switches year round because of alterante seaons in the north south pole. How tall would those ice sheets need to be to raise the sea level noticably of the rest of the earth which is mostly covered in water have to be? Don't forget that ice expands to a much larger size over the same quantity of water, including the portion that is below sea level which will of course itself contract subsatantially as the arctic is all sea with little land. The answer: It would have to be miles high. It is a proven fact that 1000 years ago there were huge vineyards growning in northern Britian. It is far too cold to grow grapes there today. Guess what the sea level was then? You guessed it (whoever has at least and average IQ) the same as it is today according to coastline sediment formations.

  2. Everything in auto, factory and power plant emissions other than CO2 and water is ALREADY REGULATED.

    So this "well even if emissions don't cause global warming, shouldn't we do the same things anyway?" isn't a valid question.

  3. Personally I think GW is a "side" issue of our current and future energy crisis. Just the thought of sending billions of dollars to countries around the world that hate us --- should be cause enough to find alternative energy solutions. We cannot sustain for long the massive money transfer in oil imports going on right now-- the number is 700 billion dollars PER YEAR.

    Unfortunately, our politicians are not helping, but impeding our change to alternative energy solutions.

  4. No, it doesn't matter, because global warming isn't the only harmful effect of pollution and it may not even be the worst.  As you pointed out, it affects our health.  Phoenix gets high pollution advisories like the one below every summer.  Who cares whether global warming is real or not if we can't breathe the air?  This stupid political debate is obscuring the undeniable problem that we're putting too much c**p in the air and something should be done about it.

  5. Homer I am sorry to have to break the news to you this way but the warming thing stopped before 1940 and in no year since has the temperature exceeded that of 1934. The whole Mann/Hansen/Gore thing was a get rich quick con setup by an oil company stockholder that has never paid a penny in taxes his whole life and never will.

    You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart.

    David Rockefeller

  6. Pollution is a part of living.  Everything that lives gives off pollution.  Everything that requires energy pollutes in some way.  You don't want to eliminate pollution, you just want to make sure you clean it up as well as you can given certain economic restraints.  Your belief that Exxon is warming the globe because you see it pumping gases (almost certainly water vapor) into the atmosphere is completely anecdotal.  The only thing that actually matters in the discussion of global warming is whether man is significantly and harmfully influencing climate.   Trying to limit our energy sources or making that energy more expensive is vital to our standard of living.  

  7. I think it has been proven that it is humans that are causing the problem with the global warming. We can only control what we do, not the entire universe. so yes, we should do it, not just for the planet but for the standard of living for future generations. Why not have a car that doesn't pollute, but still goes fast and far? Why not have free energy that we can heat our homes and run our factories? Why? I will tell you. Because there is no big corporation making money if we use solar or regenerative power sources. So unless they can make money on low emission fuel, it won't happen.  

  8. It absolutely matters whether or not man is the primary cause of climate change.  If man is the primary cause and it is due to our emission of CO2, then we are right to lower our greenhouse gas emissions no matter what cost it may bear upon our economy.  However, if man is not the primary cause of climate change then our regulation of CO2 amounts to wasted time and resources.  We could do far better by regulating other forms of pollution with real dangers such as mercury or sulfur or any other harmful chemical PROVEN to be harmful to the environment.  

    Let us compare the supposed Global Warming problem to a disease such as Cancer.  For the sake of conversation let us say that there are two types of tumors, Benign and Malignant.  Malignant means that the tumor will grow and invade other tissues causing havoc in the body.  This is known as Cancer.  We will call the malignant tumor "human caused global warming" or "AGW" for short. The other tumor is a benign growth, very slow growing (if growing at all) and does not spread to other tissues therefore, harmless.  The benign tumor will be natural caused global warming.  We know we have a tumor (Climate change) but what type of tumor, AGW (Malignant) or Natural (Benign).  Just as a doctor might choose not to remove a benign tumor for fear of damage and financial cost to the patient, we must fear acting to stop climate change for our actions may be in vain.  The fact is, we're not 100% sure humans are THE main cause, we're not even 90% sure according to the IPCC's most recent report.  That would be like having a doctor operate on a patient he/she's not even sure is sick.  WHAT A WASTE!

  9. Yes it matters; given that AGW is a scam I'm not gonna become Amish to attempt to mitigate something that doing so will have no effect on.

  10. It does matter that we know how much we are contributing to global warming.  It will help a lot with policy decisions like C-trading, C sequestration, etc.  Without a thorough understanding of how much we are contributing and how much we can control what we contribute, the more educated and influential our decisions can be.  Both of our presidential candidates plan to implement policy to reduce the effects of anthropogenic climate change in the near future.  So the more we understand, the better the decisions we are able to make.

    Agriculture, forestry, biologists, and ecologists are studying climate change and how it has and will affect us in the future.  The USDA has a CO2 gradient setup in Texas for researching rangleland and crop dynamics.  Free Air Carbon dioxides Experiments (FACE) are setup in Mass., Wisc., Tennessee, and Europe to study the effects of elevated CO2 on forest, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning.  So, whether or not people believe in global change or how much humans are contributing to it, we are researching it in order to ameliorate the impacts.  All of this research will help us make informed policy decisions.

  11. You are issing the point. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a vital gas which allows plants to grow. Study after study has shown that increased CO2 levels helps plant growth. This is why greenhouses artificially add it.

    As for the gases you see pumping, most is probably water vapor.

    Is your answer to impoverish all nations and have more people starve from lack of energy?  That is what politicians are suggesting. Look at the countries who have enacted their carbon tax schemes. The poor are needlessly suffering under the higher prices. Do you not have compassion for poor people? Do want them to starve just so you can feel good about saving something that never needed saved?  

  12. It does matter. First off because global warming is not real the gas that they pump over your house means nothing to the environment compared to sewage they dump into lakes. The sewage destroys ecosystem which happen to clean Co2. So if we concentrate on the truth and not on global warming than we will be better off in everyway(including financally).

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