
Does it matter to a baby(@ 3 months) if the room is dark or bright when they sleep?

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would they sleep better in dark rooms VS bright rooms?

my bedroom is my office AND nursery..and the lights are usually on.

do u believe that effects his sleep?




  1. it should be dark because i read that even a dim light such as a night light on while a child is sleeping can cause many vision problems later in life.

  2. I learned in one of my Early Childhood Education classes on infants that too much light on in a room when a baby is trying to sleep causes them to get a lesser quality of sleep and that may cause them to be more irretable through out the day. My 4 children always slept with just a nightlight and they seemed to sleep better than on nights when I had the lights on doing school work.  

  3. I think at night it'd be best to keep the room as dark as possible with the exception of a nightlight or dim light. It seems to me the baby would get a better night's sleep that way, just as you would.  

  4. it will deifnalty help baby to get into a schedule and learn that dark means night time which means sleep. during the day though i guess its ok to have lights on becuase it will keep the baby from sleeping all day and again eventually getting into a pattern of dark=sleep and light=awake

  5. it's  easier to teach a baby when its nighttime vs daytime when they sleep in the dark. Dark = sleep Light= play :)

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