
Does it matter what happens??

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I'm sort of at a stage right now where i dont really care about life. Everything i thought i knew is just falling apart right in front of me. Do i matter?? If i died would it matter?? I'm sure the world will go on just fine. I'm not looking for your sympathy, I'm looking for help. I refuse to take pills. And I'm not going to see a shrink. I cant tell my parents. They have enough going on right now. So tell me, does it matter??




  1. I think you need to go on a retreat for a couple of days to re-examine yourself. You might need to ponder on why these things are happening to you. It works when you are alone and in a place where it is silent.

    Also, remember, there is a reason for everything. You might have not just known what specific reason brought you to that state. Knowing the reason/ the problem that has caused you to not care about life would at least give you a starting point on how you should attack your problem. At least in that way, things would be clearer as it seems to be to now. Also, dont forget to seek the help of the Holy Spirit, that he may open your eyes to God's loving care and guidance. Strenghten your faith. read the Bible and apply into reality the message of the Word of God. With that, im sure, you will realize how important life is. =)

  2. No.  You don't matter.  Nothing matters.  We are conglomerations of atoms stumbling around under the illusion of consciousness, no more important than the rocks spinning through the asteroid belt or the faraway stars whose thin, cold light takes planet-ages to reach us from the rim of the galaxy.  Decades after you die, no one will ever care that you lived.

    The only person you ultimately matter to is you, and the only time you matter is while you're still alive.  You don't have anything to live up to, no cosmic expectation hanging over your head.  You're free.  Waste it or do something with it.  The choice is yours.

  3. CHRIST makes the difference.. it does matter if you die without him,, accept him as your personal saviour and he Guide u into all truth,, His Spirit will teach you in all things... Cast your burdens to Him.. GOD BLESS!

  4. Ive been there...Yes you do matter to your parents and God....

    PLEASE ASK JESUS INTO YOUR heart so he can help you and talk to your parents....dont it now...OOO

  5. Hey...Don't ever dare to take away Life!

    Life's very precious...once u tried suicidal it won't be back again.

    So T H I N K. . . T H I N K . . . & T H I N K  many times. You are lucky 'coz u are given chance to experience life here on earth.  Many are those who are struggling from illness hoping to live longer. You who are on a pink of health refuses living?

    I once experienced hard life, think that the world is down on me. If i surrendered with those trials, that could be me greatest defeat. Now if i recall those hard times, I thank God and smiled those were just a petty reminders from God that everyone can survive with His guidance.

    Pray...submit yourself to God...and i will be also praying for you! God Bless!

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