
Does it matter what kind of yeast you use when brewing beer?

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Does it matter what kind of yeast you use when brewing beer?




  1. seems to be covered well here cept my 2 cents

    Yes use a brewers yeast.

  2. Yes it does.  See all the types sold by the supplier I use in the source listed below.  Each will give you different results.

  3. Yes,it does there is a cooking yeast and a beer yeast called Brewer's.

  4. yes it does:  there are 2 general categories of brewers yeast:  lagers and ales.  Lager yeast ferments in the bottom of your bucket, and likes to do so at lower temperatures. Your ale yeast is a top fermenter and likes temperatures around 65-70 degrees F.  Within each of these categories there are different strains of yeast that each give subtle nuances that make beer taste different.

  5. When making Ales and Lagers it does. These yeast strains are temperature specific and will not act properly at the wrong temps. But if your referring to bread yeast vs. wine or beer yeast. any will get the job done, but only the proper strain will produce the best result. Yeast has a lot to do with how your beer tastes. Good Luck!

  6. ABSOLUTLY!!!!! use ONLY brewers yeast,and brewers yeast ONLY

  7. Absolutely

    here are two quality suppliers of brewing yeast. You can find a supplier near you via the web sites


    happy brewing

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