
Does it matter what order baby teeth come in?

by Guest57889  |  earlier

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My son got his front 2 bottom teeth in, then his top front 2 started to show up and went away (weird), now the ones on either side of the top front 2 are in. No sign of the front middle 2 now even though a week ago I could see them in the gums and thought they would break through. Does it matter that the front top didn't come in first? Will that cause alignment problems?




  1. I think it will be fine.  

  2. I agree - my dr said it didn't matter.


  3. i dont think it matters whatorder they come in. my son had 4 on the bottom before any of his top teeth came in!!! but you can always ask his dr.

  4. Nope it doesn't matter. My youngest got his vampire fangs first. He's 8 months old. I also see the shape of the front two in his gums. My oldest got his bottom 2, then top 2.

    EDIT: I just noticed last night (8/12/08) that my youngest is now also getting his top right front tooth. In the past 2 weeks he has gotten 3 teeth. I'm sure the 4th is coming any day now!

  5. I am a dentist and don't even worry. They will all come in when they are ready. I never see crowding or problems with alignment of baby teeth. Also it will not affect the permanent teeth.  

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