
Does it matter what type of water?

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When dieticians recommend a certain amount of water daily, does it matter what form the water is in? Example: will drinking tea, coffee, juice, etc. give you the same results as drinking the same volume of plain water?

thanks in advance for your input!




  1. no it doesnt matter

  2. Water is better,if u drink water for a yr u caan lose a lot of pounds,if ur fchubby.Becuz r body warms up water and that helps us lose calories by staying on ur same diet and thats all.

  3. Anything with caffeine in it is going to cause your body to use up a lot of water in the process of digesting the caffeinated beverage.  You'll still get a little water out of the whole deal, but not much.  If you eat snow you'll end up dehydrating because your body will use up more water to melt the snow than it will get out of the snow.  I doubt you needed to know that.

  4. The reason they tell you to drink water is because it helps clean the toxins out of your body, helps keep your metabolism tip top and also helps keep your body hydrated, in term keeping your body functioning. Yes, you can drink tea or coffee or juice, but a lot of times these liquids have a lots of sugars in them.  Not to mention caffeine. Always drink lots of water and then you can treat yourself with a glass of unsweetened tea for dinner or with a packet of splenda mixed in.  

  5. no i do not think so, due to some drinks that have certain ingretiance witch give it diff rent result in taste, i think it would be diffrent that water

  6. yes it matters what the form it is in.

  7. I'd like to think that drinking other things would help i mean that's what i tell my self but i'm sure you need pure water to quench that water need. if you drink something like tang where you just add the flavor or water then i'm sure that would be ok.

  8. no you should drink that water too

    tea and other stuff doesnt count

  9. water is better for you

  10. Well juice would but tea won't. Tea is a diuretic which will just make you pee the water out faster. Coffee is a stimulant so I am not sure about that. Best just to stick with plain water.

  11. Not really. Most of the water we get is from moisture in food. However coffee and tea (caffeine) drives water out of the body, so look out for that.

    You can easily get enough moisture through a regular diet without drinking water, but drinking water is still prudent for most people since it lowers appetite somewhat, and is without calories.

  12. well, you also have to look at how other compounds, such as salt and other ions will cuase you to pee more, but that isn't as much of an issue, since that is why you drink so much water anyways

    and if you are really talking about types of water, why not try heavy water, which contains a radioactively unstable isotope of hydrogen?

  13. a new study informed people that water does not have any health benefits except for keeping you hydrated. But water is better than drinking a lot of other drinks. so it doesn't matter where you get your water from, just as long as you are making sure you are hydrating yourself when your body tells you that it's thirsty.

  14. No! you need to drink water or tea for the water dosage mostly water  

  15. yes it matters what type of water some waters can make you sick and some types of water make you feel good

  16. Well, the other things have sugar, chemicals, and other stuff in them which isn't that great. A mixture of water and other kinds of drinks would be ok daily.

  17. the water need about 8 to 10 cups a day!!! but it could be replaced by food or other liquids!!! but it is prefered water!!!

  18. Water is the main ingredient in everything you drink.

    Water also consists in some foods, such as breads.  

  19. Water comes in all forms of beverage and some fruits and moist dishes. It does not matter where you get it from, so long as you get it with plenty of rest and exercise.

    What results are you looking for? When it is hot and dry, or cold and frozen you should be sure to consume more fluids. You should average 30 to 50 cc of urine an hour, and it should be pale yellow to clear with little or no odor. Vitamins and some other energy supplements will discolor urine so don't be alarmed if you are using them.

    Alcohol is never the best way to satisfy your daily fluid requirement, but okay in small amounts.

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