
Does it matter what you wear in high school?

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Like, compared to junior high. I'm there right now and EVERYONE wears Hollister and Abercrombie..I usually don't, so I feel kind of stuck. Original does nothing for you here.

I'll be going to high school next year..well in 2009, because for some reason high school starts in 10th grade here.

Anyway, is everyone in high school still that obsessed with looking the same as everyone else, or can you actually be yourself?

And I heard a lot of people wear heels, is that true?





  1. It depends on your school.  People still dressed up every day at my high school.  In college, they stopped caring what they wore, and would look at you weird for dressing up.

    If you have a friend with an older sibling, look at their yearbook.

  2. Depends what school you go to. one school i went to we had to wear a uniform.

    and i have been to schools where there is no dress code.   maybe the school you are going to likes everyone to wear uniforms. its all good though.

  3. well i guess it depends on your high school, but at my middle school everyone was obsessed with hollister, abercrombie, ae, etc. but once i got to high school, there wasn't as much pressure to wear it. [even though pressure is all in your head]. it's mainly the freshman that are obsessed with brands, but alotta people don't care surprisingly. there are alot of people with their own style, and yeah sure, there are still gonna be people who wear hollister and stuff, but it's not like it's  EVERYONE! also, it may seem like everyone's wearing it, but i'm sure if you look around, you'll see that there are people that don't wear it. plus, wearing a shirt that says "hollister" really big on it is kinda tacky and pretty boring if you wear something like that everyday.

  4. it only matters because your thinking of it. and everyone seems to have those signature clothes.try to get  away from becoming conscious on what you wear.


  5. Not at all.

    I think that people actually like you more for how you act rather than what you wear..

    I always wore american eagle...since I worked there and I had friends from ever "group" there.

    Yeah people wear heels, they wear like everything.

    High school is a whole new world. you will see new trends and all new ways to wear things!!!

    Don't worry about what others think...outfits are nothing

  6. maybe it's just different where i live, but here, the more different you were the more cool you were, everyone envied the people who had their own sense of style. dont follow the trends, set them.

    mine too? :)

  7. yeah it does..but you can be urself too..but you have to take the consequences..which is being teased..

  8. You should just wear clothes that you feel comfortable in...Don't follow the crowd but don't be a complete outcast...dress cute and can always accesorize...

    You don't have to wear heals either...cute flats would be just as nice =]

  9. i do agree with you that everyone should wear what he thinks is suitable for him, but in high school this is not affordable as you have to wear what the society there is offering for you. high heel? ha ha maybe but i'm not sure.

  10. its still hollister/abercrombie/american eagle/aeropostale for the most part

    but you can wear what you want and people wont look at you wierd

  11. Just be who you are.

    Trends are gonna be EVERYWHERE you go...but

    People in high school dont worry about that really..

    It becomes so much less of an issue,,

    & about the heels, yeah there are some girls that do but not like EVERYONE...

  12. i wear stuff from those stores but i try to keep the logos and stuff to a minumum. you can be unique and wear brand stuff you just gotta know how to layer it and match colors. girls rarely wear heels at my school so..

  13. See, that's why we have uniforms. Some people say that it doesn't promote individuality but there are other ways to express that other than what you wear. Everybody wears the same things, so there's hardly an issue with cliques or any other nonsense. I think it'd be a bit difficult if it were otherwise, like, trying to wear something different everyday. Seeing as it seems your school allows you to wear what you like, I would say, just wear whatever is comfortable for you. I don't see how heels can be comfortable anywhere, especially at school. What the heck? Forget what anyone else thinks, you're at school to learn, not to make a fashion statement. Don't worry too much about those big brand clothes, just wear something you like, is comfortable and sensible for school and you'll be right.

    Good luck. :)

  14. I was best dressed in high school (I graduated 2 years ago). I feel like it's more about being unique with what you wear and having your own style. I used to absolutely hate it when I would be wearing the same thing as someone else and would kind of stay away from ae clothes bc everyone had the same stuff. I would wear hollister & abercrombie a lot but I rarely do now cause I've kind of grown out of it (and you will too in a couple years). I wish I grew out of it sooner though bc I think it was my original outfits that earned me the "best dressed" title rather than the more expensive clothes. If I were you I would go to forever 21, charlotte russe, and h&m to find stuff because it's a lot cuter than having the words abercrombie or hollister across your shirt. You can find a lot of great jewelry there to make what you wear look even better for a good price. Just get like a few things you really want from abercrombie or hollister and accessorize from less expensive stores. yes, people in high school are still obsessed with how looking a certain way but it will get a lot better once you get to college. seriously it will pass so i wouldnt worry about it regardless. i used to be the person that needed to carry a $400 coach bag and now im happy in $4 leggings and a tiedye tshirt i made myself. heels suck, dont bother with them if you arent comfortable. I only wear them if I go out at night...rarely even then. Just be comfortableee =)

  15. The truth? Most people are still appearance-obsessed. It's like that until college, in college you can branch out and meet different kinds of people who have grown out of that.

    If you want to be popular and make friends and break friends, then wear label clothing like Abercrombie and Hollister. I did that at one point, and made many friends but they were never  loyal or true.

    Once I came to my senses, I met people who were more interesting and didn't necessarily dress that way. I was much happier.

  16. Wearing good dress.....scoring low in use

    Good grade in studies....wear anything........people will follow u.

    So change the world...make ur own style.

    Nishchal Attri

  17. Where I live, no one wears heels besides adults.

    so idk.


    But, yeah, everyone is still pretty much obsessed with what you look like.

    Luckily in highschool there are more social groups so you can be yourself and maybe find a group of people who dress/act the same as you and make new friends.

    Or you can be like me and dress different every day and just jump from clique to clique.


  18. lots of people still wear that c**p but don't think that means you have to I don't liek Abercropmywallet and Holeinmybankdepositbox

  19. yeah. stupid girls think that school is a fashion show. ill wear whatevers comfortable. and never will i wear heels. i cant walk in them, let alone stand in them.

  20. be yourself. who cares if someone makes fun of you. its only high school

  21. It all depends on where your from. but no you can act yourself.. thats not the issue. some people are just weird and think they have to wear hollister which i think is totally stupid. but there are lots of different types of ppl in high school you just gotta find the right ones. n no not where im from most ppl wear flats or tenni shoes.. ha. well anymore questions email me

  22. I never wear heels.  I am myself and dress to suit me. I have one hollister shirt that I really dont even like that much, but what I do like are clothes that catch my eye and are unique. You should be original.  Im too busy with school work, my afterschool job and my friends to notice if I fit in, all I know is that I have my friends, Im a fun person with a great sense of humor and everyone seems to like me.  Possibly because I am myself. just believe in yourself and youll be fine.

  23. Ask yourself....

    really, just ask yourself...

    "Do you want to be yourself?"


    "Do you want to be same as everyone else?"

    its not a right and wrong question.. just do what you want,

    and that's what makes you who you are.

  24. Depends on your country

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