
Does it mean anything? Weird dream!!?

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I've had this weird dream were I'll be at someone's home and its dark, and I'll be walking around or something and out of nowhere, a person in a black outfit comes out and kidnaps me. I usually wake up right when it happens, but it's been freaking me out and makes me scared to go back to sleep at night. Does it mean anything? And btw, I've had the dream about 3 or 4 times, and the times in between me having them is about a few months.




  1. when i was little, i used to have the same dream over and over that really scared me too. mine was more unrealistic, but nothing ever ended up happening. who knows? it could be a sign, it could just be a weird dream. nobody can really tell...

  2. YOu may have a weird fantasy that ur not willing to admit.

  3. i've had the same thing happen to me....i have the same dream every time i'm sick. I dont really let it bother me so if you ever have that dream just keep telling yourself its just a dream and it wont happen

  4. It is a fear you are working through soon it will pass..  Did you know you can alter your dreams and make them how you want them to be before you go to sleep say to your self I have control of my dreams and say this over and over till you fall asleep our wake up suddenly say it over and over time for you to be in control don't you think..

  5. Yea it means you are scared of people jumping out and kidnapping you.

  6. Its your subconscious trying to communicate something to you.  Since its typically at someone elses house it probably means its trying to tell you something about that person or group of people.

    Maybe they are holding you back, or maybe something inside of you is holding you back from enjoying your time with them.

    These are just guesses and by no means a true dream interpretation...the best interpretation can only come from within.  Try asking your subconscious mind to clarify its message.  It may be important for you to finish the dream and see how it ends up.

  7. will if you have the same dream more than 3 times then God is telling you somthing, you should pray so somthing like that would not happen. Trust me my sister been having a dream that my aunt was rush to the hosiptal because she was bleeding alot. she dream it about 4 times and guess what 1 month later my aunt had a horribel acident. and she was so rush in da hospital. God gives us signs if somthing bad is going to happend so if I was you, you should pray. God Loves You

  8. i dont kow if it means anything though maybe there will be a change in your life that scares you really bad and you dont know what to do or maybe there is someone new who you dont like there are so many ways to see into that dream i had a dream i rember quite well a few years ago i had a dream that woke me up and had me worried to mine was quite diffrent it was me walking down a road and then seeing a very close friend of mine laying down on the ground shot and killed i kept that dream to myself becouse it scard me so much i would like to say as far as i know they are still alive and kicking but it is true if we can look into the dreams they can find away to tell us thing they may not mean what you see in them you may have to interpate it by whats going on in your life  i hope my answer helps

  9. dreams are just thoughts, which only last a few seconds but seem long, if you keep "thinking" about this and worrying about if you're going to dream about it you're going to dream of it. like a dream catcher, people "think" they won't have a dream becuz of that, so they don't think of stuff while they sleep, but your thinking about that scary person, and you're atomaticaly going to have it with that thought in your head.

  10. maybe u fell asleep watching tv and that happened on a show and is stuck in your brain.U should think about something u like and then u may dream about it.

  11. Chances are the fact that you've had it several times means it does have some significance. If you've ever had an experience with a bugler or something of that nature, then chances are you're just reliving the event, kind of like a soldier experiencing post traumatic stress disorder.

    If the dream is symbolic, then its a lot harder to pinpoint what it might mean.If I was forced to guess, given my limited knowledge, I'd say it means that you're nervous about new or unfamiliar places/concepts/things/situations/etc...... thats why it happens in the dark at someone else's house, a less familiar place than your own home where the low visibility makes the place more disorienting and you less in control. The black clad figure probably represents something going wrong in some way. Only you can decide whether this interpretation makes sense based on your own life and circumstances.

    Also, don't discount that this could be just a recurring nightmare with no real meaning. My mom had dreams of being stuck on a rock in the sea as the tide came in and drowning for years without (according to her) any real reason (stress, uncertainty, etc.).

  12. im not a dream teller or anything, but sounds like its the devil trrying to steal you away. i'd say, pray about it. and every time the bad dream starts, wake up and say the blood of jesus. honestly works every time. sounds silly but deamons dont like the sound of jesus's name .

  13. I personally think that it probably means you're not staying true to yourself. You're being influenced by people, being "kidnapped" into their ways (i.e, smoking, bad language, putting your priorities out of order, hanging with a bad crowd, anything like that). And I think that until you figure out what this/these things are that you are being pressured in to (and do something about it!), you're going to keep having these dreams.

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