
Does it mean anything when someone puts a stick of butter in your windshield wipers?

by  |  earlier

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walked out this morning to go to work and there is a half stick of butter (opened) wedged between my wiper blades.

What's up with that?




  1. There's got to be a reason why some one is doing this. Either for vengeance or laughter.

  2. This could be a way to get you out of your vehicle to clean it off and then try and attack you, never know in today's world, be careful.

  3. it means its a waste of a good stick of butter

  4. thats funny!!

  5. I have no idea, but am seriously interested in your problem, as an Insurance person, and the victim of many pranks, vandalism and theft.  It should be okay, and wasn't with eggs, was it?

  6. Vaseline works better!

  7. If you turn your wipers on it will smear grease all over you windshield. Its a pain to get cleaned and your visability will suck until cleaned off. Probably just some kids playing a prank.

  8. kids come up with new **** all the time, don't they!! Just another group of  immature kids playing pranks on unsuspecting people. Nothing to fret about, as long as they don't come back and try and do something worst.

  9. Even after you clean the windshield all the greae does not come off easy and makes it a pain in the but to see when the windshield starts to fog up or has moisture on it.a french fry or such will do the same thing.


  10. You are Toast.....

       just being funny..

       Sounds like a childs prank to me.. Maybe nextime they

      will use some Grey Poupon...

       Just go on enjoying life and let it slip by.. If they were really

       nasty, they would have  damaged your car so it's probably

      some one you know....

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