
Does it mean different if he's a virgin?

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There's this friend of mine who I love and respect more than anyone else in the world. Anyway two years ago before he left for a mission(he's back now), I gave him a full hug, and then I kissed him on the cheek. I pulled away and stepped back and his reaction was: His face was beet red, his smile was enormous and his blue eyes were now black.

He's 28 and a virgin.

Did I awaken his love? Did I turn him on? What? I don't know how guys feel so you're gonna have to tell me. If so I won't touch him again because I don't want to tempt him(He's a godly Christian with high morals. s*x after marriage only. I believe in the same thing)


I'm a virgin and 23.




  1. It certainly sounds like you surprised him and it was a pleasant surprise. Dilated eyes indicate the iris opening to let in more light to be able to see more/everything.  I understand that you don't want to tempt him... but that is sort of a distortion.  Tempting someone is to entice them to do (behavior) wrong.  It wouldn't be wrong to verbally tell him that you think a lot about him and think well of him and that you are praying for God's direction and hope that he might be a part of your future.  Feelings are neither right nor wrong - behavior/actions can be right or wrong.  I don't see anything that is morally wrong with telling him that you are drawn to him.  Whereas I don't believe that would be morally wrong -it certainly could be scary to stick your neck out that way.  But guys can be dense sometimes and may need pretty direct communication.  What would be wrong in asking him if you could correspond while he is away.  Letters are how I fell in love with my wife.   You are doing the right thing in praying about it and for direction/confirmation. My prayers for you.

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