
Does it mean something if a ladybug lands on you?

by Guest56353  |  earlier

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A ladybug landed on me twice today. I thought it was odd as that never happened to me before.




  1. If a ladybug lands on you & then flies away, there will be good weather on Sunday.

    In Sweden, it is believed that if a ladybug is walking on a girl's hand, it's measuring her for wedding gloves & she'll get married soon.

    If a ladybug lands on you, watch what direction it flies off to, because that is the direction your true love will come from.

    In Burgundy, if a ladybug lands on a woman, she can count the spots & that's how many kids she'll have.

    In England, they believe that if a ladybug lands on you, the amount of spots on it are how many happy months are coming for you.

    Many believe a ladybug landing on you means good luck.  The good luck only comes, however, if the ladybug flies away on its own, not if you brush it away.

    Another belief is that if you're sick and a ladybug lands on you, it will take the sickness with it when it flies away.

  2. lady bugs are supposed to be good luck.

  3. Here are a few things from folklore:

    If it lands on your collar, it's supposed to bring you good luck.

    If it lands on your arm, it's supposed to mean that you will bring someone else good luck.

    It it dies while it's on you, it's supposed to mean that you might go hungry.

  4. yah it means the area that you were in probably has more ladybugs around... xD

  5. it means you are the ladybug queen rebirthed into human form. gather your minions and conquer the aphid infidels

  6. nope

  7. Yes, it means you are supposed to sing......

    Lady bug Lady bug fly away, your house is on fire and your children will burn.

  8. I don't think so. Sorry.

  9. Not really

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