
Does it mean something???

by  |  earlier

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ok so i dont normally believe this but i got this card from disney land in this one machine that tells your fortune. i did it just for fun. but heres what it said...

your life has been full of trouble, for which others are largely responsible, but you are now reaching a point when you will be able by your own efforts to control your own affairs. beware of the proposals made by a gray haired man, but take the advice and assistance that will be offtered you by a middle sized and smooth faced one. you will recieve an offer to to go to a small town and engage in business far different from the one now engaged in. accept it. you will meet with one who will love you. that love will be returned by you. the first name of this person begins with M and you will be introduced at a place of amusement. your life will be long and your last days will be your happiest... one of your lucky numbers is 5.

ok so do you think its c**p or what? idk what to think im just curious. cuz i got it over the summer. and now its fall and im in hays, ks going to fhsu and im involved in theater and music. all by accident til i saw this card in my purse. thats what made me wonder. cuz i got it intending to just throw it away later but forgot to and now i still have it but so far things have come true... will i meet someone? and my lucky number IS 5! 5 ppl in my immediate family, po box 5 in my hometown, 5 letters in my name, everything has to be in 5s or i go crazy, and i always sneeze at least 5 times!! wild!! so tell me what you think cuz im lost now...




  1. disney land cards are not very reliable, there are many gray haired men and probably just as many smooth faced ones. are you going to believe a piece of paper typed by a person in florida with a low wage and other jobs??????? but anyway, the most probable thing is that is a coincidence. you could go along with it for fun, but it most likely won't get you anywhere you couldn't have gotten yourself. listen to what YOU want to do or need to do, not a disney land card

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