
Does it mean you're a good mom if you put cereal in Tupperware so it stays nice and fresh?

by  |  earlier

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How about if you buy yellow apples and not red ones ('cause red ones are gross) and if you read bedtime stories every night, sometimes 2 or 3?




  1. yes

  2. Penthouse Forum does not count as "bedtime stories."

  3. don't forget to play with the babbies

  4. no, you're a good mom when you buy your son condoms.

  5. I'd say you've earned the right to the name Slick

  6. And leave your sleeping child home alone while you party with your 8ball.

  7. I wish it did!!

    What an interesting question.

    I would say that it is a wonderful thing to put cereal in Tupperware containers (along with all food you want to keep fresh and bug free).  So, if you do that it is a nice thing which makes you a nice and thoughtful Mom (not sure about how it relates to motherhood).

    Let's see...yellow vs red apples....I suppose it is good to offer ONLY yellow apples IF your child thinks they are gross.  If you do that it makes you a thoughtful and kind Mom.  If you are doing it because YOU think they are gross...well, not so sure that is a good thing.

    Bedtime THAT is where you win HUGE points!!!  Yes, reading stories to your children EVERY nite does make you a good Mom!!  Of course, this only makes you a good mom with regard to teaching your kids that reading is fun!

  8. yeah... you're a good mommy... and a bit of a sucker.

    Don't worry... I cut the crust off of all the bread-sammiches, toast... even the french toast AND refill the bathtub because the bubbles all popped... because I too am a sucker. er... good mom :)  

  9. Yep, that's all it takes!!!! Attention to every detail!!!! And lots of love!!!!

  10. is this before of after you hook up with bob saget?

  11. The cereal thing is good, keeps the ants & roaches on a diet.

    The other is normal mom stuff

  12. Yes, its also a good mom that gets up at 5 a.m works all day, comes home makes dinner, cleans up after the kid, and doesn't get to actually sit and chill til about 10pm...

  13. Darn...I thought I was being a good mom cause I only party when they're sleeping. Now I feel guilty for dancing and singing with joy on back to school day...d**n you.

  14. I did all that (lol) and then some and worked and cleaned and PTA and Soccer-mom and Den-mother, etc, etc, etc....worth it - every bit.

    Yes - good mom!

  15. These are all positive things, but they don't in and of themselves make someone a good mom (depends on all the other things they do, too!)  But all of these are a very good sign in my book. :)

  16. i won't drink and drive with my child. my son has been driving me around when i drink since he's been 8.

  17. thats just silly! you can do all those things and still be a bad mother by not listening to your kids and playing and hitting them! a good mother is about understanding your children and giving them what is important in life!  

  18. since when did you actually start parenting and stuff? I'm about to go pick mine up from PRE-K and my eye has already started twitching

  19. Yes that will make you the best mom ever!!!!

  20. yes.

  21. I'm sure The Beav is happy to have you as his mom.  :)

  22. Good mom yes, but not a great mom...

    A great mom would have the child's name tattooed across her double-D melons.


    I miss my mom...

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