
Does it not freak americans out that larry silverstein admitted that theyu used explosives?

by Guest55741  |  earlier

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to bring down building 7 on the afternoon of september 11. Anyone knows that to bring a large building down takes weeks of preparation but yet he claimed that building 7 was so badly fire damaged on the afternoon they "pulled it". Now anyone knows that building seven had tiny fires in it. The media never bring his staement up. I cant believe u americans are so gullable. theres so many things that point the finger of blame to the american government.




  1. i hear u and yeah the news told us that it takes quiet a bit of preparation to rig a building for demolition.mabey the goverment wanted us to get suss about how they levelled the building so quick so we would feel bewildered and hopeless in the face of what goverment is prepared to do so wed feel do as government say or else.another possibility is that terrorists over time rigged the building for demolition and the government would not want us to know this so theyed rather we be suss of them would we feel if the building really was brought down by explosives that terrorist planted.we wouldnt have a lot of faith in the government protecting us.

  2. The whole world knows it wasnt some cavemen organising this disaster.

    What happened to the plane that hit the pentagon? There wasnt a bit of it to be found which is strange when we see other plane crashes leaving debris all over the place. The pentagon plane just vanished into nothing.

  3. If the building was so damaged that it had to be pulled, then it was in danger of falling down, and therefore would not need your 'weeks of preparation.'  Get real,  Move to Zimbabwe where you will be happy with the great free and open government.

  4. From the answers I see on here, it strikes me that they're all still living in denial and following the "official story".  Some people just can't seem to wrap their head around logic and reality!

  5. The rights and wrongs of the event om September 11 are now insignificant as who ever or what ever caused the collapse of the buildings the out come was that Bush and his cronies got the permission of  the government to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan so they could prove another thing we all know, that THEY ARE IDIOTS.

  6. You're obviously referring to the radio transmission where he recommended the fire department pull their team out of Building 7, which is what he meant when he transmitted the words "pull it". Pull it ~ the team ~ out of the building. Not pull the building down with explosives.

    Nobody planted explosives on Building 7 or any of the other structures at the World Trade Center complex. The damage to Building 7 that eventually brought it down was caused by debris from the collapse of the WTC towers, not explosives.

    The collapse of the WTC towers was caused by the deliberate crash of hijacked passenger jet aircraft by terrorists bent on suicide & mass murder, not explosives.

    That's it.


    End of story.

    Build a bridge and get over it.

  7. It's widely known the CIA kept sensitive files there concerning all terrorist you say it takes time to set explosives also why the urgency to demolish so soon after the disaster?....they could have been valuable evidence there...But then the government already new all the answers.

  8. I can't speak for most Americans, but I can tell you that I and most of the people I know are really freaked out by this kind of report that comes out well after the fact  - if at all.  We know by listening to reports of America and Americans made by journalists from other countries just how distorted our media is.  We do get broadcasts from other countries, and we also have investigative journalists we listen to.  For example, check out Democracy Now.

    Our media distorts in two ways.  How it reports TO us, and  how it reports ABOUT us.  Don't believe we're not aware just because our media makes it sound that way.  

    For me, I can't tackle the big things at the top, so I look around me and my neighborhood, my city, my state, my region and do what I am able to do to move forward collaboratively in an open minded, open hearted, share resources for everyone kind of way.

  9. how did they have enough explosives on hand to do that ? how did # 7 catch fire, when its not in the line of distruction directly ?  I think a faction behind the worldbank is responsible for 9/11.... I think history will prove this.

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