
Does it not occur to folks that some people get off on being the center of attention? Even if it is negative?

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For folks who have been around GWS for a while, doesn't this phenomenon constantly recycle itself? Somebody becomes the object of intense focus and debate, rallying people to one side or the other? Eventually it all sort of flames out and somebody new (or maybe the same somebody under a new guise) steps up to the plate? Is this just a given due to human nature?




  1. Well of course, look at all the little boys cloning the feminists in here and the Little girls badmouthing the little boys.

    What has happened to ethics, just the basic kindness you give to people? I don't understand why so many people are out to dehumanize? I wish we could all work together and progress together. I'll never find people like me anywhere, will I?

  2. yes there are some with a lot of delusions possibly head cases, and the sad part is they need Y/A

    i say go play football, OH of course they can't, pity.... lol  

  3. Ever heard the term drama queen/king ?

  4. It certainly is old news, like the Gnu Diddy Vs Object saga. Even more irritating when the victim keeps on offering pointless retaliations so it keeps on spiralling.

  5. I think there are a few delusional people here, they think that they(and their family) are being stalked and want to call the FBI?!?...yeesh!, talk about being paranoid. Definately looking 4 attention and sympathy.

    First of all why would anyone bother to stalk another online user?, secondly how will they know the users true identity and location?, thirdly why??

  6. Hello,

    Well I'm a great fan of Oscar Wilde and Iike his comment:

    " The only thing more horrifying than being talked about is not being talked about at all! "


    Michael Kelly

  7. Everyone should get their 15 minutes of fame.

  8. Yeah all the time, the first one I remember was Carrie then Baba Yaga, Gnu and Object, Lioness and now Tracey, who will be next?

  9. I would think that this play is as old as humanity itself.  Putting one into the role of scapegoat is certainly common even in a family unit.  I remember when everyone was picking on Baba despite the fact she was the one being stalked and impersonated.  This is also indicative of blaming a victim for there own misfortune.  

  10. c'mon, Cliffy.... *yawn*  Internet message board.  It is a glorified chatroom.

    They don't call it yahoo for nothing!  Read Gulliver's Travels.  After that, EVERYBODY on here looks like a mean, petty, dirty little monkey.

    The key is to not take it seriously.  When you see the drama start to recycle (looking at your contact list and seeing the same old, same old c**p) do what I do... ERASE EM ALL!

    Really, don't waste time on losers.  If folks are starting to look like losers, or if yahoo starts making you feel like you are associating with losers ( I know it did me) then drop it.  Go out and get real friends, have real discussions...


    join a real internet group dedicated to such things that requires registering and is actively moderated.

    Seriously, why waste the time on negativity?

    My point, really, is that, when you become actually offended or worn out by yahoo, you have been taking it too seriously.  

    Like the guy above me said... go outside and play football... ANYTHING!  Just get the h**l off the internet and go DO something.  You'll feel better for it.

  11. Yes, yes, we all know that. Don't take it so seriously. This is my way to kill afternoons when everyone else is working and I have nothing to do. I imagine most users know this is for entertainment purposes and nothing more serious. Relax about it.

  12. Been there, done that.

  13. Yes, it's occurred to me. Now I'd like to know what their major malfunction is.

  14. Yep....I miss Kate....

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