
Does it not seem a bit far fetched that BBC claim that old Mr. Bush was with the Bin Ladens?

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on 9/11?Seems a bit daft doesn't it?I feel sure that the BBC wouldn't have said such silly things in the days of Reith,do you agree?Did they check their material or didn't they bother?




  1. 1. This is not far-fetched.

    2. It's true.

    3. It's well documented.

  2. The BBC hates America. They are as bad the NY Times and other left wing rags in their effort to bring down the Bush family. Like the liberals in Congress and the media, the BBC make it all personal.

  3. Clinton had the chance to bring him in but let him go.He was the one repsonsible. but it really doesnt matter now because the bbc just like abc and cnn are just a business trying to get ratings. thats what it comes down to.our media here in the usa is so bias I have to watch the news in another language so I can get more truth.

    Its is a shame when people are divided BY the media and influenced by it and believe it with out doing more research on things themselves.

    I blame the media for the condition my country is in and for how other countries dislike us. There is nothing I can do to fix it but blog the truth and its exhausting.  

  4. Even if he was, so what? The Bin Laden family is very large and nearly all of them have disowned the loony Osama.

  5. He was. Bush Sr also sat on the Board of Directors with Saleem bin laden - Osam's brother in the Carlisle Group. The parent company of Defense Industries that builds the Bradley fighting vehicle. The Bin ladens and Saudis have invested over $1.5 billion in Bush family businesses including Arbsuto oil.

    LMAO: I love how Repubs only comeback for anything that contradicts Fox news is "They hate America" that is too funny - such simpletons

  6. Ok say your brother robs a liquor store and you want to find out where he is.

    Do you go and ask the liquor store owner about the where abouts of your brother..or.. your brothers family members?

    I mean this is like COMMON sense to a degree that is ridiculous, an unfathomable for anyone to question it!!!

    Did president Bush have the Bin Labens family over for brunch after 911, I'm sure he did, to find Osama Bin Laden!!

    You know his family may know where he is, and probably in contact with him, but then maybe not.

    The Bin Laben family is quite known in their country, they are a major construction and real-estate developer.

    They are the Donald Trump family of the middle east.

    I'm sure the Bin laden family would like Osama found too.

    Why is this so hard for people to realize this, My 9 year old nephew can understand this.

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