
Does it offend you, yeah?

by Guest34424  |  earlier

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Has ANYONE else heard of them and like them? None of my friends have, and when I show them to them, they don't really like them either. =[




  1. im sorry...WHAT???????

  2. I've heard of them and I'm kind of on the fence with whether I like them or not.  I like what they're TRYING to do musically, but I don't think they've got it all together yet.  I'm going to see them this Friday because they're opening for NIN so that'll be my deciding factor.

  3. wat !

  4. Strange

  5. they are ok, but they will never be big

  6. Nope..never..  

  7. They suck.

    Not as bad as Lil Wayne's fame.. But suck pretty bad.

  8. Ok people "Does It Offend You, Yeah?" is the name of the band.

    Sorry, I don't like them either :\

  9. ??????

  10. doesn't offend me at all, yeah? really like them. bit different but that's not a bad thing.

    i'm surprised at how unknown they are tbh. they get a lot of coverage in the music press these days...

  11. The song they have on the "Lights In The Sky" tour sampler ( is used for an advert here in England, so maybe they have a following that they don't know about over here  :-)


  13. yeah you did.

  14. I've heard them, just not my cup of tea.

    It was on a digital music channel.  

  15. what or who is "them"

  16. there the koolest dude listen all time  

  17. i love them i want too see them live too bad they aint coming where i live my fave songs

    lets make out

    we are rockstars

    battle royale

    you should check out the remixes they are awesome  

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