
Does it pay to wait?

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When you have a child (an accidental pregnancy), and you're in your senior year in HS or even in college... And, you still plan on going to school, finishing school, and graduating. You plan on getting a good job and giving your child a good life....

Is it still going to be such a good life as a child who's parents waited to have children (waited until they've worked for a couple years)? Even if you end up with the same good paying job? Does it pay to wait so you can save up money, or are you still going to be making good enough money to give them a good life?

This makes sense in my head - so please let me know what you think. And, if you've been in either situation.




  1. A good life for your kid is mostly depended on love and attention dedicated to him/her, and considerably less on the amount of money you earn.

    We waited, until we had worked a couple of years and now have enough money for me not to go to work and focus on baby. I think, I'm a much better mother now, than I would have been in earlier times, when most of my energies were dedicated to my career.

  2. You are on the right track, girl. You found yourself a nice husband  and had a child with him. There are too many women today who worry about school and careers and they totally forget what a pleasure it can be to give birth. You shouldn't worry overmuch about your career. My advice is that you stay at home raising the child and let your husband provide for you. That makes you feel like a real lady: loved and protected.

  3. My husband and I have talked about this a lot...

    It's definitely easier if you wait, but we had our kids young and we don't regret it doing it, it's just hectic!

    I'm in college to become a nurse and I'm 38 weeks pregnant and have a 17 month old son. My husband works nights and is already set in a good career so he's done with college.

    We refuse to put our kids in daycare so we're spending the next 4 years on opposite schedules so we can stay home with the babies. I go to nursing school during the day and he works at night so someone is always home. So we are BUSY and in 2 weeks when the second baby gets here it's going to get even more crazy.

    I definitely look forward to the time where both of the kids are in school and my husband and I work on days so we can all be on the same schedule. But, for now we just take it one day at a time and enjoy every second we get to spend together as a family.

    On the other hand, if I had been working as a nurse for a few years before we had kids we would probably have already bought a house and another car and we would have grown accustomed to living off of two incomes so we couldn't afford for me to stay at home with the kids, if that makes sense.

    In the end, I think it really does all work out the same. The hardest part is getting through school and focusing on accomplishing what you need to do for yourself while taking care of your family.

    I also want to add that I have no idea how we would make this work if my husband didn't have a career already. If we were BOTH working on getting through college I don't think we could do it.

  4. Yes, it pays to wait.  Unless you are in a position to provide medical, dental, and life insurance for this child and day care facilities, you would be wise beyond wise to wait.

    Raising a child is very expensive and time consuming.

    One does not have the time or energy to attend school and care for a child properly.

    It pays (mentally, physically, financially) to wait until you have a good job, husband (employed), and have experienced some of the joys of your young life.  

    I hope this helps and that you are not involved in an "accidental pregnancy" situation already.
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