
Does it p**s you of to hear people complain about their lives for no good reason?

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Does it **** you of to hear people complaining bout their lives for no good reason?

i mean like, oh, poor me, i've got nothing to wear, or, oh, he didn't even look at me, best if i kill myself right away my life's worth nothing without him kind of stuff.

when we ALL know about all the people that get killed in pointless wars, and their families that suffer because of it. millions of children starving to death in africa while someone is crying over the way they look of cause someone said something mean to them.

all the poor, defenceless animals left on the streets to fend for themselves and eventually die of cold and hunger while someone is wasting time being sorry for him/herself cause they don't have the newest ipod.

etc. etc. etc.

do you walk up to those people and tell them to shut the f*** up and get a life or do you feel sorry for them? or just ignore them?




  1. After answering this question with a page-long response, I realized I was confiding too much information online, plus my answer could be taken as a negative commentary about my ex-wife.

    The short version: My ex-wife used to sit around writing poetry about how life was not worth living and how people never cared about her. Then she would ask me to read it and tell her what I thought of the quality of her poetry. Somehow, the word "DRIVEL" never once came out of my mouth! (Amazing!)

  2. if people want pity on here, then they cna have it. itll just hurt them in the end cuz they are too caught up in their own problems to consider the problems of socity.

  3. yea

  4. Well actually I have a right to complain... I have been to Afghanistan and did my service(if you want to call it that) for the American government and it's people. I got my DD-14 to prove it along with a nice scar on the chest.

    I went to India and for a vaction and liked it so much ended up getting a visa for 2 years to help with medical training. I fell in love for this Indian woman who I became friends with named Alaka. I got her fathers blessing to marry her and we would have had a nice life together but fate had different plans, she developed a rare illiness called Merkel Cell Carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer, so being a doctor and seeing your love one die gives me a right to hate this world.

    I hate this place cause no one cares and that is a problem with the world.

  5. DAmmNNN girlllll  problemms  YeS?!?

  6. I don't like it when people do that, they are the dumbest people you will ever know. I usually remove them completely from my life unless they come to their senses b4 that. Don't hang around people who have negative energy, I call them energy vampires because they off load their so called problems on you and you feel so drained after hearing their dumb rantings and ravings.

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