
Does it really matter from who or what we descend, or what part of the planet we first arrived.?

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Does it really matter from who or what we descend, or what part of the planet we first arrived.?




  1. These are in the category of "big questions".  There is something about such questions that just draws people to try to answer them.

    Also, there is the possibility that by understanding how humans got to where  they are now, that we can better make decisions in the future.

    Those who believe in creation think the question is important.  Then tend to think that if one does not believe in creation, one cannot believe in the direct action of a benevolent God, from whom morals, right living and salvation flow.  Many such people indeed think that many of the problems of today's world are caused because of the way people who believe in evolution and natural processes act.


  2. yes it does  if you live in the west .. london .. paris etc.. u have a better chance  to survive, and learn then in africa or india

  3. No it doesn't matter as long as we can we can enjoy living during our lifetime.

  4. No, when we don't have a supreme goal, but if we want to find the solution to all this labyrinth in which we are into, it really does matter.   When people are living just an ordinary life  of sense enjoyment, ike the ancient Greek myth about the shrewd and greedy King of Corinth, Sisyphus, who was forever doomed in Hades to roll uphill a heavy stone which always rolled down again, this Sisyphus’ position is like that of all men. Human are like condemned to roll the heavy ball of material conditioned life to the top of some unknown hill where it simply rolls down again and forces him to repeat the drudgery.

  5. No it doesnt - all human beings are deeply variegated and multifaceted and I don't know why we resist this diversity so much.

  6. Well yes it does actually, some of us were lucky enough to be born into a civilised society, to decent parents, and able to put food on the table and be generally happy with their lot. Others are less fortunate and we should be more tolerant.There but for the grace of God go I.

  7. nah, but jst remeba 2 be greatful 4 wat u've got n FEED DA POOR! cos ur lucky u have got food but dey dont

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