
Does it really matter if Love is blind ?

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Does it really matter if Love is blind ?




  1. yes

  2. Love is not blind it sees money.

  3. Yes.

    If love is not blind, ugly people will never get marry.

  4. Love is blind so as not to see the flaws of the people we choose to love

    Jealousy on the other hand sees too many....

    So, to answer your question, no it does not matter. When we truly love we can always find our way into the dark.

  5. I'm blind . 'Am bind with love,

    Nothing really matter anyhow,

    And please don't ask me why.

    Cause it's just there to bloom..As beautiful as it can be..

    You = Love<3>

  6. If it's hurting those that it is blinding, then yes.

  7. Not at the time, but at its downfall it will.... Its up to you though, if it matters or not...


  8. love is not blind but people are

  9. no it's a good thing. It means we don't notice the little flaws in our partner

  10. ya love is blind, cause love is lie by itself

  11. Yes, we know that when we find that perfect guy / girl and we get those butterflies, we feel like we are on top of the world. No one can crush us! Yes, we are in love.  When we are so close to the situation love can be blinded by your dreams of what this relationship means to you, or what you want it to become in the future!  

    This is what we hear, love is blind.  Well, what about the other senses?  And when people are really blind, their other senses are much more acute to make up for not being able to see.  So, it would seem like if love is blind then maybe our other senses would kick in and help guide us in the right direction.

    Thanks for reading!

  12. not if the other person can see.

  13. Love is not blind, we are

  14. Yes.

    If love is blind, you will fall in love with the wrong person.

    It is painful to fall in love with someone, who don't feel the same way about you.

  15. love sees all - but it makes blind.

  16. Does it really matter that it is called Philosophy?  Seeing how 99% of the questions asked in this section can hardly be called Philosophical.

  17. Off-course it does!! it means if your love is blind for anything, that proves you are blind too.

  18. Love can feel very good. It can change you in some very positive ways.... If your love has a positive influence in your life it is worth holding....When love gets shady you need to rethink the relationship. ...You should never lose your life when you fall in love....Friends, family, hobbies and school are all still important.... Being in love should not mean you give these things up.... If your love is making you lose yourself it's time for a change.. ..because your love is blind.

  19. Love should have loving eyes open wide, to see even the faults and the mistakes lovingly.  Love should try to make it right only through clear vision.  I believe that heart has eyes that can see things differently from those eyes of our mind.

  20. Blind Faith or Love is more an introspective self absorption than a fixation upon an another... a desire or want projected upon an object in ones focus than the interaction, understanding and assimilation of the other party... a love for loves sake, a need to be in the highest condition and state of existence that is being *in* love ...

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