
Does it really matter that Jr gained points on Kyle sunday?

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Thats just 1 race and it was maybe 10 points. Kyle will be going into the chase 1st in points with a decent lead anyway so these races technically mean nothing unless Kyle finishes 43rd every race till the chase, which clearly wont happen. I think he will have a couple of more wins before the chase to help his lead when the yreset

So just because jr finished ahead of him by 3 spots in one race really has no effect unless jr wins to get the bonus points before the chase right? I have a feeling Kyle will win 2 or 3 more before the chase starts, as for jr not so sure but I think he will need some more strategy races to even win another race this season.

What do you think? Carving 10 points into a lead doesnt matter without wins at this point because it all resets right?




  1. Hey Shurblovers, I wouldn't be sooooooooo worried about Jr.  Yo' *** better be watching that 48.  Just remember, the ONLY way us Jr fans truly lose is if Kyle wins the that means if ANYONE else wins it besides Kyle...we will still have bragging rights, regardless of where Jr finishes.  

    I guys are the fans that worship Klye Buhsc and think he is god..and OMG 7 wins in half a season, and he's the greatest driver ever, OMGLOLBBQ!!  I'm soooo blinded by Klye Buhscs talent and JR sucks oMG...1!!111 cute.  Freaks.

    Wonder if most of you Shurb fans are also PAtriots fans?  Oh wait..didn't they dominate the season?  Oh wait, didn't they lose the SuperBowl to the biggest underdog in SuperBowl history?  Oh wait....yeah they did.  Go ahead and count your chickens before they keep me entertained.

  2. You are exactly right. It seems to me the only thing important about the points right now is 1) making sure you are in the top 12 and 2) getting the most bonus points possible. Other than that, it doesn't matter until all the points are reset. As Dianne said, all 12 have a chance at the championship at that time.

  3. It doesn't, because Jeff Burton is gonna win the championship =D

  4. I does not really matter at all...........When the chase starts, that is when it is going to matter. There are 12 guys that just want to get to that point.................Then it is for keeps!

  5. To answer your question, no it doesn't. Right now the only thing that matters for the guys secure in the chase are WINS. Plain and simple. Right now going in Kyle will have nearly a 70 point lead on the rest of the field once the chase starts. Unless his team falls apart in the chase, if anyone wants to have a realistic shot at him they will need wins, and lots of them.

  6. I'm sure it matters to Kyle. He's a true racer and I have a feeling he takes pride in gaining points on second place not losing points. My guess is he is trying to see how many points he can get ahead of everybody before they reset the points.

  7. for the next six races, there are only two important finishing positions for both of them (and burton, edwards, and johnson) - first and not worse than 30th or so. finishing first gets them bonus points for the chase, and if they have too many finishes below 30th (like almost all of them) they run the risk of falling out of the top 12. other than that, doesn't matter at all.

    but don't try to tell them that - they're going to run all out for every position anyways; it's in their blood. that, and they want to continue to "measure up" the competition and see how well they are doing in their preparation for the chase races.

  8. right it will all be reset in a few more races then the bonus for wins is what really matters

  9. Junior has no hope. To win the chase he has to start winning races, and he already said he won't drive like his daddy did. He doesn't want to be spitting and popping over the flames for all eternity. At least Junior can be considered a decent guy even if he is a below average driver. His daddy was an average to good driver, but doomed his soul to everlasting torment by his dirty deeds on track and off.

  10. Like i have said before, not over til the checkered flag flies at Homestead......or til the fat lady

    After the reset, it's anyone's Championship to win or lose!

    and may the best driver win....all 12 have a shot believe it or not

  11. wether or not busch wins more races this year depends on what NASCAR does about his horsepower advantage. if they take that edge away from him, he will fade into obscurity. jimmie johnson seems to be getting hot at the right time, just like he's done the last 2 years. if i were a betting man, i'd put my money on him to make it 3 straight

  12. Nobody will catch Shrub

  13. I can understand to a point, but the fact that someone makes up points on someone is overall good.  And by the way, your avatar name is not cool.  That name has, for the most part, already been used.  Be more original please.

  14. All that really matters for Kyle at this point is New Hampshire-Homestead, and if he can get wins before the chase. At this point, with the lead he has 2-43 is not that big of a deal. He needs to go for wins to have that lead built up more for the chase. 2nd place is like finishing 20th right now, because it really won't help for the chase.

  15. Yes Because This Means Dale Jr Can Take over 1st place in points and get the Championship

    GO Dale Jr #88!!!

  16. right, unless busch finishes last and Jr. wins its not gonna make much of a difference.

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