
Does it really matter when you take your vitamins and minerals,...?

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I mean, as long as it gets in your body everyday or every other day... Does it really matter the time? Why are you told to take them at such and such a time each day?




  1. You are supposed to take your vitamins and minerals in the morning after breakfast so that it can be easily absorbed into the body.

  2. Well firstly many of them you need to take with food to ensure effective assimilation of the vitamins ......  taken without food some vitamins will give you a rather prompt tummy ache.......  secondly, if you take some vitamins after about 3.00 p.m..... forexample the B complex of vitamins ......... you will find it difficult to get to sleep and then when you do will sleep restlessly and dream vividly because they have a tendancy to energise you.

    Just read the label carefully and you won't have any dramas.

    peace baby


  3. Vitamins & minerals & amino acids should be taken with your breakfast or after.  If taken on an empty stomach they will give you a stomach ache.  I would recommend buying vitamins from a health food store no buffers, no fillers.    If one takes B complex in the afternoon more than likely it will be hard to sleep when scheduled unless he/she works graveyard shift.  I realize everyone's work schedule is different so I just recommend taking vitamins with food so the body can absorb the vitamin (s).  

  4. In general it does not really matter.  However the recommendation to take them "at such and such a time each day" depends on a number of factors.

    1). If the time is morning, it is because you should break your fast with a very healthy diet (your supplements is a very essential part of your diet).  Also some of these supplements are formulated to break down slowly throughout the day.  Also some supplements are formulated to give you a certain amount of energy over extensive hours throughout the day.

    2). With meal or immediately after meals could be because the size of your throat increases at meal time.  When you're about to eat at least 3 of your scenes comes into play.  On seeing the colors of the food, smelling the aroma of a well spiced meal, and tasting the food, the throat dilates so that you can swallow easily.  After about 5 minutes after eating the muscles of the throat start relaxing again and at this time it can prove very uncomfortable swallowing caplets.

    3).  Before meal could be because there are nutrients in the supplements that helps to improve digestion.

    And there could be lots of other factors to list.    

  5. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    from the food which you take ,the body take what it needs and keep an amount as a store , and of course we in general we have limits for this storage ,if the amount you take is higher ,it will start to go out of the body as it will stop its absorption and it may cause problems if the organs of excretion can't overcome the load.

    And if you at someday didn't take some of the minerals or vitamins ,the body can use his storage from the absent element in your food and compensate it later when you eat again but you have not to be very late in compensating this elements in food as you know that the storage has limits.

    so if the time is short ,this will  not cause a problem.

    the doctor can determine the best time , we can get the best absorption of certain minerals and also know either this mineral react with the food or not , so follow doctors instruction as possible.

  6. Generally, it is best to take vitamins with food so that they are assimilated into your system better and to take minerals on an empty stomach for the same reason.

    Morning or noontime are the best times to take vitamins in order not to cause you to have a hard time falling asleep.

    However, with all of that said, the best way to get vitamins and minerals is in a healthy diet and the more nutrition you get from food the better off you are.  

  7. It is all rather complicated, but the evidence is if you eat a healthy balanced diet it is enough.

    Natural tends to be psuedo scientific, in that they will say you must have this many pills, at this time. They try be exact but it is basically rubbish.

    If you don't have any vitamins for one day, your body does die, some vitamins need to be taken regulary and others less regulary. Some will be better obsorbed into your body when eaten with certain foods, and some won't.

    Don't worry too much, don't obsess about it.

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