
Does it really matter which stance a candidate has on abortion?

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Do you think they'd actually attempt to change the law, or is it really just for those one issue voters?




  1. It is a VERY important issue to some voters on the far-right.

  2. On a national level, I don't think it matters too much just because we're not likely to see any real change either way. This is basically a 50/50 issue and short of a Supreme Court decision, there is likely to be little change on the issue. And even if there was a Supreme Court decision, I still think there are more important issues to worry about.

    I would rather see our elected officials spend time working on health care, education, social security, and many other important issues. Once those important issues are resolved, there will be time to talk about things like abortion.

  3. Yes, because Republicans make it a issue to the willfully ignorant Christians.

  4. Lets just say that the Republicans overstate it's importance in "Presidential" politics.

    [Stare Decisis]

    [The practice of deciding new cases with reference to former cases, or precedents, eventually became a cornerstone of the English and American judicial systems. It forms a doctrine called Stare Decisis, "to stand on decided cases". Under this doctrine, judges are obligated to follow the precedents established within their jurisdictions.

    The doctrine of stare decisis performs many useful functions. It helps the courts to be more efficient, because if other courts have carefully reasoned through a similar case, their legal reasoning and opinions can serve as guides. Stare Decicis also makes the law more stable and predictable, because if the law on a given subject is settled, someone bringing an action can usually rely on the court to make a decision based on what the law has been.

    Sometime a court will depart from the rule of precedent if it decides that the precedent should no longer be followed. If a court decides that a ruling precedent is simply incorrect or that technological or social changes have rendered the precedent inapplicable, the court may rule contrary to the precedent. Cases that overturn precedent are rare and receive a great deal of publicity.]

    The President MIGHT appoint a Supreme Court Justice(s) that lean to the right.

    However there still must be a case before them that questions a woman's right to choose. The court can't just "go after" certain laws.

    Then, if such a case should make it to the Supreme Court, the Court must reach the opinion that it is in the best interest to TAKE AWAY A CITIZEN'S RIGHT, which is unlikely.

    Even if they did, it would only throw the issue back to the states for the courts to decide individually.

    In other words for a pro-life ticket isn't going to change is a wedge issue that politicians use to get elected.

  5. Of course not. But republicans just can not overcome their obsession with that nonsense

  6. NOT TO ME!

    I don't care what their stance is on Abortion, g*y Marriage....none of that!!!

    As a business owner, all I want to know is, which "Clown" supports Capitalism and the American dream...and which one supports Socialism??

    And I will make my decision from there... I don't care if you're black, white, or purple with little pink polka dots.

  7. YES! im not voting for MCcain because of that Palin person, i believe its a womens right to her choice! you take that away from a women you mise well take her rights fully away.

  8. This country is very heavily, and definitively, divided on the abortion issue.  It's one of those things that you're either 100% against or you don't really care about one way or the other.  The reason it tends to be a huge topic for debate in the political arena is because your stance supposedly showcases your core values.  Talking about abortion is a candidates way of letting you know what they believe.  And it's easier to relate to your constituents when talking about values than when talking about foreign policy.

  9. [silly example]So, trailers for films in 99% situations better than films. [/silly example] Then, that funny.  

  10.   Yes it does ; but that doesn't mean it's the only issue over which I choose a candidate.

    The way I see it, abortion is either fundamentally wrong or it isn't. If it is, the government has every right and responsibility to outlaw it ; the same as it outlaws murder, rape and armed robbery. If it isn't, then it should be perfectly legal without exception.

    But it should be up to the voters to decide, not the courts.

  11. It matters b/c Supreme Court Justices will be starting to retire and if we get too many appointed who are Pro-Life- they can overturn the Roe v. Wade.  Thus giving the government the right to take away my privacy.  They get to dictate the private decisions of my family.  

  12. Nope.

    Look at what President Bush did after using the "issue" twice.

    Why would he do anything?

    What would The GOP have to run on next election?

  13. i wonder the same thing. they will not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade

  14. No it is just an issue for voters

    bush had all the time he needed and appoint judges to do what he "felt" was right

    but they really do not want to do anything about it

    they want those pro lifer votes....

  15. The President appoints supreme court justices and they can overturn roe v wade. So can congress with an amendment but thats a long shot.

  16. As long as they support protecting babies who manage to survive an abortion and are no longer dependent on the mother's body. Afterall a person is a person, no matter how small.

    Obama was so afraid that the Born Alive Infant Protection Act would be used to harrass abortion doctors, he VOTED against a law designed to protect babies that were no longer dependent on the bodies of the mother. I think that is an indefensible position.

  17. No, it doesn't and you are exactly right as to why. Yet, Obama has got commercials here in Pennsylvania actually saying that if McCain is elected, he WILL stop abortion from being legal. As we both know, that isn't possible. Naturally, the base of Obama supporters will think it is since they don't know any different but I just don't see how he can come out with such a blatant lie and not get called on it. Usually, politicians veil their lies, not this time.

    See? There's already two answerers in here who actually think the President can overturn a Supreme Court decision! It's really scary as to what some people believe the President is capable of doing. I guess that's why Obama's campaign didn't have to veil his lie. Some out there actually believe it!

  18. No.  Nothing will be done about abortion.  Democrats want it legalized because they believe unwanted pregnancies will be aborted anyway, better it be done by licensed professionals than a neighbor with a coat hanger.  Republicans want it legalized because they can bring it up every four years to impugn Democrat morality.  If Republicans were serious about stopping abortion, they would have done more during the six years from 2001 through 2006 when they controlled both houses of Congress and the presidency.

  19. well the supreme court will probably never hear an abortion case again (why they get to choose their own cases is beyond me) but a  candidate's stance on abortion can tell you a lot about them, such as religious views and how they were raised.  plus it tells you what kind of people they will surround themselves with, and who they might appoint to the supreme court.  so while the current abortion laws will probably never get changed, knowing a person's stance on abortion can tell you a lot more about them.

  20. McCain has openly said that he would pack the Supreme Court with prolife judges.  Palin is an avid prolife candidate.

    Roe v. Wade was the outcome of a Supreme Court decision.

    With the scales tipped the states would have the right, as they do now, to regulate access to abortion, and to ban it except in some cases.

    Usually those cases are rape and incest, and life, if not health of the mother.  Another case preserves the life of the mother.

    Palin is on record as saying that all pregnancies must come to term.

    It does matter, millions of women who know that if they had to make the choice they would have the option, no matter how personally distasteful, will wake up one day and find that they don't anymore.

    State anti choice lobbyists are far more organized than national ones.

    They know this and plan to press this advantage to limit abortion as much as possible, and to make it difficult to obtain, some of the ways they do this is to harass providers,limit licenses, threats on the doctors families, breaking into doctors offices, taking pictures of anyone entering the offices of doctors who do abortions,  threatening to post those pictures on the web.

    And that's now.

    They are trying very hard to change the law.

    And McCain Palin is their chance.

  21. It shouldn't but Republicans like to make it a political issue.

  22. Republicans always like to make it a political issue, especially since it wins them a large number of votes from people that go to church.

    Growing up, I heard preacher after preacher saying how the liberal democrats were against the church and for abortion and that we should support the Republicans.

    However, if you really think back on things, what did the Republicans do while they were in charge during the first 6 years of Bush's presidency concerning abortion?  Absolutely nothing.  They didn't even put it on the docket.

    To me, that tells me, the Republicans are all talk on the subject but no action.  And that they are just using that subject for votes.

    I don't see things changing anytime soon regarding abortion.  So for me, that tells me I need to vote based on the other things that Congress is doing.  And on the other things Congress is doing where change is actually happening.

  23. Presidents nominate Supreme Court Justices.  

  24. Politically yes.

    Do they have the power to change it no.

  25. If the Republicains had there way they would over turn Roe vs Wade in a Heartbeat.

  26. US politics has little to do with policies or ideological stance. The average American voter is stupid and cares only about religion, ethics and who's popular.

    When the government starts making laws based on religious belief, that's when the church and state come together. That's something everyone should be afraid of.

  27. I have seen my share of presidents sit in the oval office, both republican and democrat.  Two things never change, abortion and guns.  I don't understand why anyone would allow either issue decide the next president.  

  28. Again a private matter. I do not personally believe in abortions-for myself- but I can not and would tell anyone that have to believe that way. All those so-called  pro-lifers who were bombing abortion clinics

    or harassing pregnant women, and call there selves christians sure were not setting a good example. And all those so-called christians

    forgot their bible stories --- when Jesus said let those among you who are without sin cast the first stone!!!!!!  Well folkes that only left one living soul that fit that description-then or now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unless you know why a person chooses abortion you can not possibly say that in their case it is wrong-and guess what people the reason is nobody's business-they could have been raped business,it could be life or death for mother or child but medical business has lots of privacy issues!  I know cause I am in health care and have been for 30 years. And I AM A CHRISTIAN!

  29. Of course its an issue.  John McCain has repeated said he will overturn Roe v Wade if he is given the chance.  He will appoint ultra conservative judges to the Supreme Court to make it possible.

  30. Roe V Wade is a Supreme Court Decision, thus the President can't change it, he can appoint justices when and only when a vacancy occurs, which lends influence when that happens. Thus what a candidate feels on abortion is really a mute issue as far aas the issue goes, it may however give one and insight to their moral fiber

  31. I think there are a few one issue voters, I am pro-choice, but it matters so little to me compared to the economy and national security. I think Obama is crooked anyway, so I'm McCain all the way. I just don't think the Dems have B@lls.

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