
Does it really matter who the US elects as President?

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Don't all politicians lie?

Don't all the advisers make the decisions and write the speeches?

Why is pro-vote America, the land of democracy and freedom, still just a two party system?




  1. who cares, no one is gonna bring about any real change in this country...lets vote for Kermit the Frog

  2. Well in politics it is all about who can lie the best but at the same time win the trust of the people.  

    I would hate to think it is advisers that make all of the decisions.  I would think they give advise and the politician weighs this and decides one way or the other on the matter.  

    Well it is 3, democratic, independent

  3. I am a huge libertarian and everyone I talk to about libertarianism seems to like it, but they just don't vote for it. Which leaves me with the same question.

  4. Yes, it matters.  The world is watching with their breath held as the US elects the future leader of the Free World.

    Obama is not just another candidate.  In my opinion, his victory would spell disaster for America.  

    McCain is behind the times when it comes to protecting the environment and social issues.  The US is falling behind other nations when it comes to rights for g**s and lesbians, for example.  In Canada g*y people can marry.  In all other Western nations, g**s can serve openly in the military.  Abortion is a closed issue is other Western countries.  McCain wants to re-open these old debates.  He is old-fashioned.  Like Bush, he is influenced by the religious right.  This is not a good thing.  I don't think a McCain Presidency would tranform America positively.

  5. Yes. The choice is between hundreds of thousands of more dead innocent people, on the one hand and Obama on the other.  

  6. Depends if you want socialism or real political reform.  

  7. Yeah,it's true to some extent that politicians are controlled by lobbyist groups but most Americans just don't want to rock the boat.Everybody found their niche in society and doesn't want to disturb the current political process.People don't care about anything that doesn't stare them right in the face - doesn't affect them directly.

    That's why the 2 party system is still in place...Americans think anyone other than republican and democrat is an extreme lunatic/radical meanwhile it's these two parties that are crippling the state of the nation.

  8. Democracy and the ideology of freedom might be cool and atractive... but i think there is a curse...becuase ..once you say the world should be free like us...well personally i think they world was already free...thus making desicions based on how strict they wanna be on certain indivisuals.

    the concept of freedom.

  9. Yes, yes, yes and in the infamous words of Grand Master flash "it's like that and that's the way it is!"

  10. The ONLY Hope for America (Politically)  was-IS  Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich ..     PLUS  you all  had better  WAKE  UP  to the Impending  "National catastrophe/emergency which will Bring On  MARTIAL LAW,  Suspend the so-called elections,  and END  The U.S. Constitution.  !!   There WON'T  be Any "Election"  !!   ..

  11. Yes it does. Who lies the most wins the election. We want a president that can lie and bluff with the other country's prime ministers, especially China, Russia etc. Imagine if the prime ministers of those countries can read what's in our president's mind. It'd be horrible.

  12. ya

  13. No, It doesn't matter.  Yes, all politicians lie.  You are correct about the advisers doing this.  Good point about the "Two party system"  One big reason why it is still this is the fact that it is easier to control the ideology and beliefs of two parties verses many parties.

    McCain and Obama are of the same mold.  There is no difference because they will put what the CFR states should be done BEFORE listening to the US citizens.  Sad, but true.

  14. Independants will become huge in this election because everyone is pissed off. You watch...It's going to be 3 parties not just the 2.

    Barr 2008

    Romney 2016

  15. In 100 years, which one of the 2 current candidates will be remembered most if they are president?  I think it is Obama.  McCain is the same old white guy.

  16. Holy c**p, Batman!

    Someone in this section I actually agree with.


    "I am a huge libertarian and everyone I talk to about libertarianism seems to like it, but they just don't vote for it. Which leaves me with the same question."

    That's because they're all caught up in the WWF reality-show aspect of it all. They vote for the same parties, not because they honestly know/care for the party in question, but because the enemy "team" may win.

    It's a trip.

  17. ok you are sortave right but REALLT wrong... look at the state of our country during the democrat years... a plus in the good ol bank acct the world loved us ... jobs up etc etc... look at our country while republicans are in office... largest deficit EVER war ...oil companys s***w us for billions and the world hates us... do I need to go on?

  18. yes most do,

    BUT who will let terrorist walk all over us?

    who will raise taxes?

    who cares more about being PC then our economy?

    who will help us drill oil and be independent?

    chose the liar who at least will do some good for the USA

  19. YES.  Obama is a FRAUD and a dangerous man.

  20. yes it matters; not all politicians lie; yes, in part and there are far more than two parties; just two majors w/minor factions. It is a good system.

    get your life in another country for perspective.  

  21. Well, if you vote in McCain, then people will become to like the US less. Obama, not so much.

  22. Yes, it really matters!

  23. I don't think so. It matters more who our congressmen and supreme court justices are.

  24. it does  

  25. You make a good point there... they like us to think we are making the decision.... but we aren't... ha

  26. DUH.

  27. they both suck

  28. we are never going to change cause stupid people act like being republican or democratic is like a sports team something we cheer on and hope  they make it to the superbowl.    we need to get serious about a third party cause i know im tired of democrats and the republicans.

    (universal health care for all)

  29. Al Gore put it this way and I will paraphrase.

    'people said that there is no difference with the parties, that no matter who is elected it will not make a difference.  Yes, it makes a great deal of difference, I would have not gotten us into a war, I would be concerned about the environment, I would make sure the people come first'

    My observation

    All politicians lie, it is the nature of their job.  If a politician really tells the truth, they will be laughed out of office and considered a baffoon.  

    We do not have a two party system, we have a multi party system where two parties have majority power.  One day, like in the past, one or both of these parties will no longer have power.  Nothing stays the same, everything changes.

    Remember, Hitler said a thousand year Riech

    The Neocons danced in the streets and screamed they were in power forever.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  30. YES IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you never know who will raise taxes and kill us all by raising taxes it's all ready to high!

    and your thinking "well they will both raise it." well one of them mite raise it more than the other one.

  31. the irony is strong with this one

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