
Does it really mean anything when a friend I like wants me to visit her out of town?

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There was this girl that I got along with really well..but unfortunately I could not spend enough time with her as she had to move out of town for work..I always felt there could have been something between us as far as romance is concerned because the chemistry as friends was so good..but never really knew for sure if she liked me in that way or not..but the signs were there but never really jumped on them...she recently called and would like for me to visit her (i'm a male by the way) my question you think this is just a friendship type of thing, just to see me and hang out?...or could her intentions be the contrary, to see if we can connect and maybe start something deeper..Just curious to see what you guys think and what her intentions could possibly be..thanks for the input!!




  1. There's really no way for us to know, but there IS one way for you to find out.

    Once there, you can see if there are signals or sparks.

  2. sem like you might be a smart kind of guy..say something! If you like her and that is the case..well, you never know what she is going to say back. Coming from the 'female perspective' I know that I never know what is going to happen next. I probably wouldn't even consider if I liked a guy or not until something happened that did bring it to mind.. not that I'm completely shallow or anything (in my defense!) but all the same .. if it were me, regardless of the outcome I would love it if the guy gave it a go.

  3. visit her ,and let her know how u feel ,take it from there .

      ..remember...faint heart never won fair lady..

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