
Does it really take weeks for your yahoo 360 picture to show up!! REALLY?

by  |  earlier

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well Ive had it up for two months, i dont select for more than a day becuz i dont like going around with tha uni-s*x black and white charater ..(I think its creepy) lol

Does it really take that long is ther another way?

please see my other question I accidentaly put in

yahoo answers category :;_ylt=AipdIl1HGgLlzhj7T7JsKk3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080623171001AAtEkoz

that explains it a lot better ..

thanx i will choose best answer




  1. You have to leave your avatar up as a unisex-grayed out character for as long as it takes. Typically, it takes one to four days. BUT sometimes it takes much  longer than that.

    You will never find out which category you're in if you don't leave the selection of using your 360 image longer than a day. So, if you haven't had your 360 image selected in your Y/A profile for more than a day, then your trying for two months has probably been in vain.

    If you don't want to wait a significant length of time for your 360 image to show up in Y/A, then just use a Yahoo! Avatar ( ) and let the issue go.

    Some people never see an image show up. You can always post a bug report (or piggyback on other's bug reports) on the issue at the Y/A forum: . This link between Y/A and Y!360 has been buggy for years. Although, you should make sure to use the same Yahoo! ID for Y!360 as in Yahoo! Answers.

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