
Does it scare anyone aboutall thes skeltons coming put of Palin's closet?

by Guest44729  |  earlier

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Obama was in the public eye for the past 2 years and people already know his good and bad But it doesnt scare anyone that in just 3 days, we've found out that Palin is under investigation for lying and illegal use of power, then at every event she talks about how she raised 5 kids in this moral and right way and it turns out her underage not married daughter in pregnant. What else do you think will come out in the next few weeks?




  1. she wasn't on the radar, so now the media feels like they have to bring up anything she ever got blamed with. Go ask Obama, the media could care less if its true as long as it makes a good story. My advice to you is do your research and look at their voting records, then vote for whoever has a track record of things you like. to vote off what the media says makes you a tool.

  2. It's all happening too soon ...

  3. You are a smart cookie. Now wait for her to sink her ship further. And she raised her children the good christian way lol..give me a break. She tried to lie about it. She also finds it enjoyable to kill and gut animals and laughs at the thought that certain wildlife are going to be extinct. She scares me. She lied about the "bridge to nowhere" issue while she was in power in Alaska. She will turn back time for every woman. She believes if you are raped by your father you should keep the baby, or being a victim of rape, keep that baby. Can you imagine the harm to the woman and to the future child when they ask about their family tree. She is disgusting. I cannot believe American people are that blind.

  4. What scares me is John McCain's decision making ability.  What an unqualified poor choice for VP.  And apparently he didn't even properly vet her.  If he becomes president what other kinds of risky decisions is he going to saddle us with.  And I don't even want to think about if Palin ever ascends to the presidency.  <shudder>    

  5. oh there's more that has come out about her. She was almost recalled as mayor, she racked up a debt to the tune of 20 million while she was mayor of the small town, her husband was arrested for DUI, she was for the bridge to nowhere before she claimed she was against it, there's just so much bad stuff coming out about her.

  6. Thrills me.

  7. fully vetted?

  8. dogtear don't like the facts, so tries an attack... No I think this is horrible, and how much time do you have to raise a special needs kid when your the VP. Republicans think they are the party of family values, we are now finding out they are the party of do as I say not as I do.

  9. Consider this:  McCain knew all that when he announced he had selected her for VP.  Now, one more little thing will come out and she will withdraw her candidacy "for the good of the party."  McCain then selects another old white man as vp candidate and laments the loss of this female running mate that he so desperately wanted.

  10. I understand your point and agree. Considering McCain's age and possible death in office would put the "Unknown" as the POTUS. I'm not willing to gamble on my country's future with Palan on the ticket.  

  11. Not at all!  

    She did indeed raise her family in a moral and upright way!  Obviously, no one's perfect.  What speaks most loudly about a person's character is not whether or not they ever make mistakes, but rather how they handle those mistakes!  The easiest thing in the world for Bristol and the Palin family to have done would've been to abort (kill) her unborn child.  I'm sure they knew there would be some ignorant people (like many on this site) who would attack and insult her once the news broke of her pregnancy.  They didn't take the easy way out, however.  Bristol is taking responsibility for her actions and not punishing an innocent baby for her own mistake.  Just like her mother and father's decision to allow baby Trig to be born, even if it might have been more convenient not to do so considering his Downs Syndrome, this speaks very strongly about the type of people the Palin family are.  They are not Pro-Life in name only, but live out the conviction that every life is precious and a potential blessing.  No one who is considering aborting a child who is special needs or is an unplanned pregnancy can ever say to Gov. Palin "You've never been in this don't know what its like."

    My respect and admiration for Gov. Palin and her family has increased many times over---and I mean that with all my heart!  I wish I could tell her that!  I heart the Palins!!!

  12. She is too scary even without the skeletons. She doesn't even know what the job is she is running for.


  14. Not so far.  If this is all they can find , we are fine.

    I know many people who have raised their children in the moral and right way, but their children have had major moral failures.

    It came out that her husband had a DWI 20 some years ago.   If that was all I could find, I'd just not say a word.

    The investigation?  I have read some about it in the last few minutes but nothing seems to be concrete.   Reminds me a little of Bill and Hillary's investigation a few years back.  

    I wasn't too disturbed by that and not too disturbed by this.

  15. NO, what scares me  is Barack Hussein Obama's past can not be overlooked, and that's good enough for me not to vote for someone like that. Obama's known ties to terrorists, and receiving donations from these people. How Obama was raised as a radical Islamic extremist, or his racist preachers. These issues are far more disturbing to me than anything else. Do your homework on Obama and decide for yourself.

  16. It's scaring the Republicans.  Today according to NBC they have sent a group of lawyers to Alaska to further vett Palin.

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