
Does it seem a bit hypocritical of the USA to criticize Russia for attacking Georgia?

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That is, if the attack is all about restoring the union and squelching freedom like the Georgian president speculates that it is.

Wasn't the USA the first to start a war to forcefully keep states from seceding to "save" the union? We now revere that president as one of the best ever, and now we criticize Russia for doing the same thing?

Not to mention, don't you think that if a USA state used their Constitutional right to secede, tanks would be rolling in after a day or two? Why are they so critical of a forced Union overseas?

It seems like the whole situation is dripping with hypocrisy to me,

Whatchya think?

Ah, yes... here's the link for those that haven't read the article.




  1. Remember … Russia did not attack Georgia … … .Georgian has attacked Ossetia and on Russian peacemakers in Ossetia ….. In the first day 15 Russian the soldier which tried to prevent bloodsheds have been killed, and the Georgian armies have started to bomb and city and to strike blows on Russian.

  2. The Georgian politics supported through all these years by the US government have committed a cruel act of aggression against the people of South Ossetia. Over 3000 Ossetians are reported to be killed. Georgian troops were killing mostly women and children while staying in Ossetia before they were moved out by the Russian army.

    But Saakashvili, the president of Georgia, is just a puppet. The puppeteers are comfortably sitting in the White house and the US Congress. Now they got what they wanted and became much more comfortable. They got but not all.

    I bet their next step will be a demand to bring in NATO peacekeepers under the command of US forces to the region. You will see...

    USA need a war and it must be a big war somewhere in or near Europe and Russia must be involved in it by all means. The US are facing too many problems in economy now - that's the reason. These problems can be solved only by means of a big war. And I think the American society is psychologically ready for it now. That's why McCain will be the next president.

    The only thing we can do is to be sorry for the world. The US will ruin it soon...

    Europeans, Russians, Georgians and many other nations will pay for that. They are paying already...

  3. Three problems:

    First, no foreign power was responsible for the secession of the Confederacy.  Without Russian interference, on the other hand, there would be no breakaway provinces in Georgia.

    Second, Russia invaded Georgian territory because Russia is trying to grab land from Georgia.  The territories that Russia is "defending" are not a part of Russia, and Russia is not trying to "do the same thing" we did in the Civil War.

    Third, the fact that the United States has unclean hands has zero bearing on what Russia is doing right now.  Didn't your mom tell you that two wrongs don't make a right?

    What I think is that your analogy doesn't apply to this situation.  We are dealing here with one country invading the sovereign territory of its much smaller neighbor.  It's like a wrestler picking on a dwarf.  Who sympathizes with the wrestler?

  4. The Christian Right has made a good portion of America delusional. Whoever we kill it is the "Christian thing" to do and God is behind us, didn't you get the memo? And Bush is a "good Christian, of course so was Hitler.

  5. No

  6. Oh so I guess it's alright isn't it? USA booms Afghanistan and Iraq without a second thought about who is in between and now they have the guts to criticize how Russia does the same to a close country that kill russian peacemakers just for the fun of it.

    USA didn't invade Afghanistan and Iraq, they just came in like a bunch of cowboys, took destroyed everything that could even come close to resemble weapons or value or culture, destroy homes, kills people, take the rights to everything that they want, enforce a government which they can control, incognito of course and then threaten other countries for having nuclear energy, just because they feel like it.

    It seams to me like Russia is doing the same thing, What is the difference?

  7. georgia and russia .. they are foreign countries for each other. They doesn't part of confederations or what else too. georgia a member of united nations like russia. If russians prefer attacking georgia there is a only one meaning this .. unbalanced war.

    don't spend your time with "hypocritical" stuff, this is a war. A war made it for green color of U.S dollars  .. thats all.

  8. a bit? thats a bit of an understatement

  9. because this didn't just pop up out of the blue like one day they were all happy neighbors and then one day, bang, somebody started bombing the c**p out of villages. russia used to be the soviet union that ruled with an iron fist. kind of like if the united states killed state representatives for their views instead of allowing their voices to be heard. this faction of russia, called hardliners, still exists and is trying to make its presence known again. there has been a rattling of sabers coming out of russia lately. georgia is now a sovereign and civilized state with it's own government that poses no threat to russia other than to be a sovereign state. russia has shown signs that it wants to be the ruler of these states again. it's not quashing a rebellion it's trying to refortify it's hard line values and is behaving opportunistically in order to "own" that territory for it's own world conquest, which it formerly resigned as unsupportable. unlike the us/iraq situation, russia literally has designs to rule these people, the us supports iraq as a nation unto itself...the ultimate difference would be that the us doesn't do things like start trying to take mexico as it's own to exploit their resources and people. the reason we don't do this is besides being just wrong, we could not rule their people (don't get me wrong here, just hypothetical) with our predisposition toward the human spirit itself. we could not rule there because it would be a humanitarian nightmare. we would not be able to support these new states in a humane way. russia on the other hand, as far as the old ways, would have little or no concern for such issues. anybody that thinks russia is behaving compassionately toward anybody and has no other goal but to be compassionate has completely written off what we know about it's history and the fact that this type of action is absolutely predictable and only clarifies that the iron curtain will fall again trapping millions if left unchecked.

    i would like to underline my point with this...being a part of the us army during the cold war, and having trained and prepared with many other americans and allies to fight the warsaw pact, it was common knowledge that on the front lines that our first opponents would not be russians themselves but more likely would be romanians who would be forced ,literally, to spearhead russian assaults. they were considered lesser human beings in the soviet union and would be used in suicide fashion to deplete our fighting capability, we knew that if and when the fighting began that we would have no other choice than to wipe out these poor, woefully underequipped, souls who would either move forward against us or be killed from behind as soviet doctrine was to force them forward by walking artillery up behind them.

    ...and by the way, this preparedness has never waned and the us military is fully prepared, now, as it was then, to go toe to toe

  10. Off course the US is hypocritical. Everything they say is hypocritical because it's completely different from what they do.

    It interesting how nobody on the news stations seems to remember recent history.

    Adam B and everyone else out there who seems to have forgotten what the US and the rest of the western countries did to Serbia. They bombed the whole country (including Belgrade)killing large numbers of civilians simply because the then government was trying maintain order in the Kosovo region after muslim paramilitary groups were killing and terrorizing the Serbian civilian minority in the region.

    Interestingly enough, in that case, the sovereignty of the Serbian nation was not important. I wonder if it was because the Serbs have always been close allies with the Russians...

    So, yes, the answer to your question is that the foundation of the modern USA is hypocrisy and lies. I can only hope that Americans will wake up and do something before before their government and their media push this country to it's destruction after destroying the rest of the world.

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