
Does it seem as though all at once an army of "How to make the quick Buck" scam artists are infiltrating YQ&A?

by  |  earlier

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It's like an MLM ScamArtist Hdqtr's somewhere is giving these money leeches instructions to converge on Yahoos Q&A where people are asking financial questions.

Can't they realize that they can be seen for who they are? Parasites.




  1. Yep! Report them.

  2. I know what you mean.  This Mark has been hitting a lot of people.  I thought solicitation was not allowed here.

  3. yes,I have reported Matthew P about 15 times today.............

    all in the business section..........

    another parasite

  4. I've been chasing a couple for over an hour and must have made over 100 reports.  The last one was only 18 seconds after it was posted.

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