
Does it seem like Obama is starting to rethink his selection of Biden?

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Yahoo just ran a story that stated he is enlisting the help of top female Democrats to counter the appeal of Palin. Maybe he should have thought about that before naming Biden. Once Biden brought his flimsy Scranton connection into play and Palin trumped that tactic with the Scranton/San Francisco contradictions, Biden isn't looking that great as a choice for VP.




  1. Palin is in the middle of how many scandals? Abuse of power, illicit affairs, cover ups, etc. And you think Biden was the questionable choice?

    EDIT: Obama/Biden are still leading McCain/Palin in the polls.

    To Cutter-Tree: "The cop thing" is not what I was making reference to.

  2. There was alot of buzz about that this morning on the cable news channels and one of the commentators said you can absolutely believe that this buzz is the result of something going on in the campaign.  One reporter asked do you really think that Obama would dump Biden at this point and the commentator said well, of course, he wouldn't flat out dump him there would always be some unfortunate event where Biden would have to bow out but they said yes, there has been buzz that he's rethinking the hillary issue and that it is possible, although not likely, that Biden could exit.  That would not surprise me in the least.  I don't think that Obama has an ounce of loyalty to anyone but himself running through his veins and the only thing he cares about is the best outcome for himself. I really doubt that there would be any lengths he wouldn't go to to acheive that but I guess we'll see how much truth there is to these rumors.  Personally, I think that americans are not that stupid and would never believe that Biden would be exiting because he can't do the job for some reason.  I think it would be a bad move and make Obama look even more self-centered and disloyal than he already does.

  3. No

  4. No, he is not rethinking that decision.  That decision was deliberate and calculated.  He knows that he is inexperienced, so he wanted someone who has 36 years of Liberal Democratic experience in order to cram the Democratic agenda down the throat of every American.  

    By the way, that IS change, because for the past 8 years the Republicans have been cramming their agenda down America's throat.

  5. Not at all, I think he choose the best possible person to run our country in the event of anything happening to him.  I would much rather have Biden running the country than Palin.  As much as the Republicans want to say that she has experience in foreign policy, I wouldn't count  dealing with Canada as a whole lot of Foreign Policy experience.  

  6. No.

  7. Obama is not rethinking his choice of Biden, he is countering McCains choice.  Obama didn't have the option of a female VP that could gain him any votes.

  8. Heres a story that will deepen his concerns. A major paper in Deleware has a piece on the Bidens involved in a lawsuit and possable charges.


    You can thank Hope Floats for this one.

    HEY DIAMOND DOLL, the cop thing came about because the cop in question used his tazzer on his own 10 year old .

  9. Why??? Biden will crush Sarah Plain in debates! Plain doesn't compare to Biden...get real!

  10. Biden is a part of the good ole boy network in Washington.  Obama is a wannabe good ole boy - he is a product of the Chicago Democrat machine, and has no record of reform of any kind.  Two beltway insiders paired together on the ticket have limited appeal in this election.  Unless you are counting on the Democrats to fulfill some promise for some favorite freebie program of yours, I cannot imagine why you would vote for Obama/Biden.

  11. No, AI think he has come to the realization that some don't think and they allow the news a ill-will site like this one to determine their vote

  12. Obama made a big mistake picking Biden. It was a very shortsighted tactical move. Biden was chosen basically to win Pennsylvania. He needed someone who would appeal to lower to middle class whites. He should have picked Hillary.

    If he had chosen Hillary, McCain would have never picked Palin and probably would have gone with Lieberman. If he went with Lieberman, 1/2 the republican party would have stayed home in Nov. It would have been check and mate in August.

    It goes to show how inexperienced Obama is and how a horrible chess player he must be.

  13. No I think he made a great choice.  Palin is the liability, not Bidden,.

  14. I think Biden got his offer in writing. Otherwise he would have been screwed.

  15. BHO may want to dump Biden in favor of someone else; maybe even Hillary. But it may be too late to help his failing campaign.

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