
Does it seem like he likes me or does it seem like he only sees me as a friend?

by  |  earlier

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he is my bros friend and his sister is friends wit my sister..when ever he comes over with his best friend to hang wit my bro and sumtimes my sister and then they leave to go hang somewhere else. he is always the one that askes me if i want to go with..we are all just kinda friends and hang out...when he is over and trying to make every1 laught he always looks at me to see if im laughing and once he came over when it was juz me and my bro and then he had to go to his house real fast and my bro was going with him and he asked if i wanted to go to....and when i had walk to band practice i said i didnt want to have to carry my clarinet there cuz ppl would think i was weird or sumthin then he offered to carry it for me..i wanted to steal a street sign for him for his bday but i never did it then he said when he comes back i have to go with him when he steals when but then i went to my friends instead. then the next day he kinda mad at me for not going..then the day after that i was sittin on the couch and he was sitting next to him and he punched my knee but not really hard and said oh yea thats for not going with us the other nite and when he comes over sumtimes and walks past me when im sittin he hits me knee and stuff and idk he does other stuff to like yea idk what do u think and im sorry this is so long..




  1. I think you should remain friends even if he wants more, why mess up a great relationship, good luck=)

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