
Does it seem like if you don't ask your questions in certain categories, Like maybe P&S, no one even sees 'em?

by Guest33739  |  earlier

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They just go to question pergatory and never get answered. There are too many unused catagories on here, I think




  1. true dat

  2. p&s is just popular

  3. yeah! i totally agree, it happens to me all the d**n time and i get nothing in return

  4. my questions usually get answered

  5. Yes! Categorizing questions is very important to avoid the terrible land of question pergatory. Oh, the horror!

  6. for a lot of the categories that is really true  

  7. HA! so true!!!

    i thought i was the only one that noticed...thats why i started putting my questions in any of the categories that would fit....hahahha!!!

    that way i get many types of answers!

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