
Does it seem like kids are much more vicious then they were 20 years ago?

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I'm not sure if it's just my perception as a parent, selective memory or what, but kids seem much more vicious and violent then when I was growing up.

Example: My child was being terrorized to the point where this clique thought it would be fun to see if they could get him expelled.

Another example:;_ylt=AgPjoaPzLU4uwxABgIMehht57hR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080505222137AA7Z19X

Other examples can be found on this site about all types of actions children are putting up w/from bullies.




  1. YES, because

    1. Parents think spanking is wrong, and then wonder why kids are so bad now

    2. The gov't took away spanking, parents can't do it now,and they ALL wonder why kids are so bad

    3. Spanking was took out of schools, and they wonder why kids are so bad

    4. They took GOD out of schools and they wonder why kids are so bad.

    5. The NCLB law mandates that schools will get MORE MONEY if they don't have disclipline reports.

    So, THIS is why fighting, bullying and KILLING goes on in schools.

    You would think that the school would STOP the bad behavior so they can get the money. But NO, they don't do anything AT ALL so they will not have written proof (disclipline records) of bad behavior,


    To ($)&##)  with the kids, just as long as they get that money

  2. Of course, didn't you read about the 10yr olds who planned to kill their teacher.

    The 9yr olds who put toothpaste in oreo cookies?

    When I went to school we used to get in trouble for

    passing notes... and chewing gum..  Now look what the

    kids are doing today.

  3. yes they are

  4. yes and no.  When I was a kid my brothers and I were constantly getting into fights with the kids in the neighborhood some of them major and usually over stupid things but we didnt torment the kids we didnt know just each other and we had all grown up together and even now 20 something years later we are all friends.

    Now the kids are being targeted for what they have or dont have.  If you dont have the money to be the cool kid you are targetted for being poor, if you do have it then you are targetted for being rich.  The parents now are spending more time working to pay for all of the wants in life and less time at home with the kids.  The video games are violent.......we had pac man and frogger.......the tv shows are.  They get on the computer and it is all about violence.  

    When parents quit spanking and being a parent then we started with all the school shootings, cyber bullying, gangs etc.

  5. I think parents are parenting less and turning on tv/video games more. Without supervision, rules, and morals, of course the kids are hurtful to each other.

  6. its no worse it just seems to be as kids have the internet andcell phones where they can text and harrass from home

    the violence hasnt changed just the way they attack and the fact that the parents dont care and arent much older than their kids as sooo many kids have kids as young as 10-11

  7. I think there is less, neighbourhood input, like it takes a neighbourhood to raise a child, not just the parents. For example; when you see a child smashing a window, don`t just walk away and say, 'it`s not my kid", approach the child and say it`s wrong and take them to their parent. But to many people walk away and leave all the responsibility to the parents. OR the parents have a sense of entitlement to their child and think their child is their possession and no one can talk to them......

  8. Not really. Kids have always been cruel. You will not believe the kind of harassment I received. I was actually thinking kids are sweeter now because my kids seem surrounded by sweethearts. I think its just what your experience is. Just because my experience was soooo dreadful doesn't mean everyones was. Just because your kid's experience is so horrible doesn't mean everyone's is. Of course, people post about them, but this kind of forum wasn't really around 20 years ago.

  9. It may be, I'm not sure.  But now, the media is starting to focus on this topic a lot more due to the videos of beatings coming out now.

  10. Hi,

    Yes i am very surprised because when i was growing up my mum and dad would let me in the street to play i cant let me daughter out the house without getting worried one time my daughter went in the front porch and there was a man with a loose pitball and he attacked her i will never let my daughter out alone until the civilisation improoves plus i see children that are 13 smoking it is a disturbing matter but someone has to stand up to it.

  11. Definately.

    Television and electronics are raising many children these days.  Parents need to take back control and start to monitor what their children are exposed to.

  12. I think times are changing.  Parents a limited what they can do by the "DHR will take your kids away" threat.  Also the media magnifies everything which makes it look even worse.

  13. h**l yes.

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