
Does it seem like most husbands don't realized what they "vowed" to give up for the rest of their lives?

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Does it seem like most husbands don't realized what they "vowed" to give up for the rest of their lives?




  1. yup then they complain when the wife divorces them

  2. Ha ha ha -yes it seems that way. The age-old snare that generation after generation fall for.  

  3. Marriage is not Lent.  You don't have to give things up, unless, of course, it's your other girlfriends.

  4. you didnt vow anything to give up, you didnt believe it existed in the first place. But not to worry, there is a way from here. Next time you are here, examine yourself before you start examinig others. Others are the same as you (now you belive you are better and you need to "save" them), knowing yourself will be knowing them. Not the beings YOU want them to be to support your world views, destorted by thousands of tecahers like you, but for what they realy are.  

  5. Yep. After awhile they start to realize it and down hill it goes!

  6. Yes, I never did find the "wait, I changed my mind!" clause...

  7. I agree.

    Us wives too.

    I think it sunk in two hours after the wedding.

  8. Call me stupid, but I didn't realize that marriage vows specified that I give up "something? (whatever you're talking about?) for the rest of my life.

  9. Yeah because if they knew what would be lost forever they wouldn't get married in the first place!

    Come on with your thumbs down...

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