
Does it seem like teenager and children are portrayed as ungrateful, spoiled rebellious brats?

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is this what adult will expect worse?




  1. I'm not sure this makes a lot of sense, but as far as the first part of your question is concerned - yes, teenagers and children ARE portrayed as ungrateful, spoiled brats, and that's by their parents, who are often more ungrateful than their kids.

  2. i don't think that they are portrayed as ungrateful and spoiled as they really are. they are shown on TV (the placebo for the masses) as being far nicer than they are. as for rebellious, i don't see evidence of much of that.  

    the reason that they are spoiled and ungrateful is because what is lacking in their lives is the energy that parents would be able to give them, i.e., personal attention, if they were not working themselves into exhaustion. our society, where the american dream is DEAD, forces both parents to work. and

    so, being that prices are out of the roof thanks to our buying items that our own companies outsourced, thereby reducing the workforce of the american people that would then be able to purchase them with their living american wage, it seems as though the parents are scurrying around like dead tired rabbits, almost turning over to die.  when they get home so tired, how are they able to spend quality time with their children, showing how much they love them?  

    so in turn, the children want objects.  they wouldn't want all these expensive toys if the family were solid and alive enough to THINK that replacing human parental love with THINGS will never work.  

    the parents, not to blame, just don't know what to do. if they are not at home with the kids, then to prevent them from becoming street punks and gang members, they give them all the bells and whistle toys that they don't even need.  

    i'm a grandparent of boys that are only 10 and 15 years of age. although rules are set up for these kids to do their homework before hitting their x-boxes and so on, their primary time is spent with their objects. they each have two digital cameras, two expensive watches, iPods, individual cell phone (who needs a cell phone at age 10?), and of course, x-boxes and games as well as computers. and that's all they occupy themselves with, because computer games are highly addictive.  and to be like the "rest of the kids," they demand showy things like digital cameras, cell phones, and of course, gym shoes that they will soon outgrow, but which have the famous name on them, therefore costing far more than $100 a pair.  they are not satisfied with anyting that is homemade, but tell me, which parents have the time to make them homemade gifts?

    not so long ago, perhaps less than 100 years, kids were happy at christmas to receive a stocking filled with fruit, nuts, cheese, and some candy. and if they got a doll, that was a big deal, a real big deal.  they also were sometimes given BOOKS.

    i brought two wonderful sets of teenaged type encyclopoedia sets to my son to give to the boys.  his response was, "haven't you ever heard of the internet?" ha ha ha because he knows my computer literacy.  i replied, "books are tangible, items that they can go into using their hands, exploring things, but they may forget the little article that they read on the box.  they might not be able to find it again."  my son took them the books.  i wonder if they ever look at them.

    one thing to remember: all of this society runs on petroleum. when it is too expensive to drag it out of the earth, then i don't think that kids will get all these goodies. i think big, hard changes are coming.

    i was amazed this past winter, on the day of the first snow, so great for packing, making snow men and snow balls.  i was talking to my son and asked if the boys were out playing. he said no. i said, "why don't you tell them to go out in the yard to have a good snowball fight?"  why didn't that occur to my son???

    one other thing:  i see more misery in children than rebelliousness. i mean that they are snotty and rude, as though they do not know common courtesy. they are far more knowledgeable about the ways of the world than i ever was, until reaching age 19.  they know all about prostitution, birth control, violence (the parents are so tired that they do not notice that the kids are up when they watch a dvd of "pulp fiction!"), and what they can do to get away with what they want. they control the parents because the parents are too tired.  they are "hard" also, way too unkind for children.

    these will be the leaders in the future. but how can they lead being so selfish?

  3. teenagers are very difficult people to get along with...yes they seem to be all the above...however in raising my children i realized later that the wall they put between themselves and parents is nothing more than separation process...

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