
Does it seem that its taking longer and longer for men and women to grow up?

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when I was 21 it seemed like i was much more mature than some of the young people i meet even those almost 30years old don't have a clue about relationships.




  1. My mom had to drop out of school to get a job to help support her family.  Her dad only gave her mom a very small amount of money each week which did diddley squat, so she worked and gave her mom her entire pay cheque for food and bills.  Today, usually both parents are working or one parent makes enough to support a family or the family gets government support.  The drive isn't there like it used to be, It's almost as if kids feel like it's their right to slack off! The media helps to instill this, parents are enabling their kids to be kids as long as possible, and where this comes from, your guess is as good as mine, who knows! As for relationships, there used to be a panic to have children and a career by age 23, now it's no big deal if you wait till later because, hey, it's all about ME! We live in a very selfish society and isn't that just like a child?

  2. Well it might.   We just do not get married so soon.

  3. Yeah. That's just the way we raise them. Years ago they'd grow up fine gents and ladies, mostly, but we let their childhood extend well into their teen years.

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