
Does it seem to be getting a bit chilly?

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Does it seem to be getting a bit chilly?




  1. Yeah! I could have used a little "Global Warming" this summer. It was an awfully cool in Michigan all summer. Oh well, I guess I need to have a bigger carbon footprint.

  2. its defo colder where did our summer go?? i think i can remember about 3 hot days :(  

  3. i live in the mountains of SW [not west] virginia.....several times this summer the heat has gone on...i leave it at 65 in summer...dome morns its 50/60 outside..brrrrrrrrrrr

  4. It's in the 50's here...

  5. Does it?

  6. Certainly does.  I can count on my fingers how many days I turned on the A/C this summer (I live in Pennsylvania).

    So since we used so much less electricity, global warming should cease... but looks like it's happening opposite, the world is cooling and in turn causing us to use less electricity.  Turn on your AC the planet is going to cool too much!  We need to pollute more to keep the warm temperatures!

  7. yes your right we have started putting the fire on in the evenings don't for get xmas is just round the corner

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