
Does it seem to you that the libs are very very threatened by Gov Palin on the ticket?

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She has more time in public office 16 years to Obamas 11

she has executive experience from two jobs one as mayor and one as a governor...........regardless of the size of her population the job is the same as one has to balance budgets, sign/review laws, she is the commander of her national guard and Alaska is a challenge all in itself given its immense size.

she gave herself a pay cut to save money and had a surplus in the AK treasury which she distributed to everyone in the state.

She has 5 children which shows at least that she can manage total chaos

whats not to like................she is not a victm and I think thats what makes the libs so mad. "how dare a woman succeed on her own merits and not by our make believe affirmative action"

I could snooze through being a senator for 143 days........thats like a summer vacation and some change in college

and those "present" votes........please.




  1. If having lots of kids makes you a better politician, then Mormons should be running things!  You can't just have a lot of kids, you have to be a good parent, which you don't even know if she is.  And she's not a victim because she got everything handed to her without being qualified for it.  I don't think any politician could be under investigation right now for abuse of office/ethics violations and still get handed the VP nomination.

  2. This liberal independent isn't impressed with her -  she has little knowledge of the country outside of Alaska and her scientific literacy, something very necessary in the 21st century, is appalling.  She wants Christian creationism taught in public schools and doesn't wish to recognize that the scientific community has firmly established that climate change is a reality and her continued cheerleading for drilling and consumption of petroleum is a "Model T" energy policy at best.

    And as a woman, I'm very appalled that she opposes abortion rights for even girls of 12 who are victims of incest or rape and wants to make her personal religious convictions the laws of the land!

    IF Bill Richardson had made the Dems VP slot you'd be poo-pooing the experience needed to be a governor of a low population state I'm sure-  and he at least has foreign policy and energy policy credentials!

  3. Why can't you admit that she faked her pregnancy to cover up it was her 16 yr old daughters?

  4. Yes, everyone including Bob barr is jealous and scared that McCain picked Elmer Fudd as his VP.

  5. Sixteen years? We are counting city council member now? LOL If that's the case we should count Obama's time as President of the Harvard Law Review. I'm sure thats a more important position than city council member in Wasilla.

    Doesn't matter. I predict she won't be on the ticket in 2 weeks.

  6. First, if being a Senator does not count as executive experience, you have to admit that McCain has no executive experience, either.

    She has a bachelor's degree in journalism from a third-tier university. She was mayor of a town with a population of less than 9000. Not impressed. She has been Governor of a state with a population smaller than many mid-sized US cities. San Jose has more people than Alaska, so does Miami)...I live in a county with 3 million. Chicago alone has 2.8 million.

    She has no positions on foreign policy. It is not clear that she has ever been outside the US.

    And because she is a mom with 5 kids, one of whom is a disabled infant, I seriously wonder how she will manage the intensive travel schedule the Vice Presidency calls for, and still take care of those kids. She was able to bring her kids to work with her as Governor. While I think that is terrific, she won't be able to do that in the White House.

    She is far from the most qualified female Republican politician McCain could have selected. I would have preferred Meg Whitman (ran a multi-billion $/year corporation) Kay Bailey Hutchinson, or Olympia Snowe - they have the chops for the job. Condoleeza Rice has the chops for the job. Not impressed.

  7. You are trying very very hard to convince yourself

    don't worry if i were you i would be doing the samething

  8. Of course they are, but it's not for the right reason. It's because Obama's black, now don't go giving me thumbs down yet, just hear me out.

    Obama is black, this is not a detriment to him at all! But it was a BIG reason he was counting on votes for. He had two major things working for him: 1) He's black. 2) He's NOT George W. Bush. McCain picked up a Woman, so we're talking huge diversity attack on all fronts. Frankly, I'm glad, hopefully it'll even the playing field a bit.

  9. I think they're upset at being beaten at their own game.  After all the years of the libs putting themselves out as the place for women to succeed, they fail in their first opportunity to have a woman run for President.  Then their candidate picks the old white guy who got 9000 votes as his running mate, instead of the woman who got 18,000,000 votes.  Then they get out-maneuvered by the Republicans naming a woman who is not only better qualified than the Dem's token woman VP (sorry Geraldine, it's true); but better qualified than their own Presidential candidate.

    Face it, the Republicans are the party where women succeed - but only by merit, not by handouts.

  10. You are so right. The left is scared to death. They are doing right now what they do best. Lie, lie, and tell some more lies. They are terrible, and I am so glad that I have my eyes open.  Thank God we have Fox news, and Talk Radio, to keep us in formed.  I even listen to liberal on talk radio, just to see what LIE they are telling today.

    I have talked to many people in Western Ky, and they all are just excited about Sarah Palin. I have not head one person say anything negative about her except the liberals. He has hit a home run this time. And all the lies, and 1/2 truths will not sway the American People, they have a true patriot vote for now.  

  11. Democrats are very scared

    they are scared that if the republicans win, America will be stuck with a beauty fashion bimbo as vice president

  12. No she is just such an easy target.

  13. The liberal pukes can't stand it. They know she is the nail in Obama's coffin.

  14. Oh boy are they threatened by her!  She has REALLY hit a nerve with them!

  15. Yes !!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  16. Yes, Dems are very very afraid, and they should be afraid.

    Dems are envious, too.  Sarah Palin is more proof that Republicans are smarter and better looking.

  17. No.  It seems to me that conservatives are over-confident in Palin's appeal.  George Bush proved that executive experience does not equate to competent leadership at the national level.  He also demonstrated the irresponsibility of basing policy on faith instead of fact, a quality that Palin also seems to share.

  18. Brrrrrp~!

  19. TOTALLY!!  They are so scared they are making up stories.

  20. I find it Hill-arious that dems. are trying to compare Obama with Palin!

    They KNOW he can't compete with McCain so they go after the less experienced one, sadly for them, Palin still beats Obama in every regard!

    700 days as Governor of the largest land-mass state Vs. 100 in the Senate (voting along party lines)

    Tough on corruption even challenging those in her own party vs. house bought by a criminal.

    Accomplished REAL change in her state vs. talk of change.

    Palin cleans the floor with Obama!

  21. Most libs I've talked to say she has a right to her opinion and they rather like her for her strenght they think she's a better choice than Hillary

  22. Ok since Francisco down here thinks that McCain and his quote_quote experience is no competition for Obama well just look at the primaries and the amount of votes generated.  Last I checked 18,000,000 votes already went to the quote_quote inexperienced one.  As for Sarah Palin quote_quote having more experience than Barack Obama that is not only pure comedy but blatant stupidity on your part.  Comparing a vice president whom has had to make decisions based on paying people to live in her state knowing her decisions only affect that state to President Barack Obama whom has had to make decisions that affect the entire country since 1997 is absolutely no contest.  If you wanna argue this I will be happy to list all opf Obama's experience and accomplishments which I promise are far more exceeding than a beauty pageant, sportscaster, 9000 pop town major and 600,000 pop governor would ever be.  You know just putting a pretty face on T'V with McCain will remind people of McCain's experience with other women in his past and now on the campaign trail!

  23. We are fearful for our daughters if the nutcase came even close to getting elected, especially when she is running with a 73 year old with a history of cancer. Anyone who disrespects and hates women as much are she does scares the bejesus out of me.  

  24. All i can say is Rasmussen says shes hurtin obama. I think shes just great, makes it easier for me to vote for McCain. Im no longer holding my nose to do it. If she continues to shine Obama loses. Yes I believe they are worried. They are trying to spin it anyway they can but they are scared.

  25. Libs never care who it is they attack as long as they are Republican.

    If Condi Rice were liberal they would think she was the best but just because she holds a high position and is a woman and african american, she is the enemy. Libs eat their own.The more minorities feel threatened and picked on, the more the libs will have power. Republicans want everyone to succeed. It is in the best interest for liberals to have victims,

    it keeps them in business.

  26. Yes!!

    Haven't you noticed how fast they are trying to come up with some dirt on her and can't find any???


    Vote McCain/Palin 08'

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