
Does it sound like I already have herpes?

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40 years ago while in the Army I had frequent unprotected s*x. One day my s*****m seemed sore and dry then in about a day a layer or two of the dried skin peeled off leaving my s*****m moist and very sore with what looked like new skin that really wasn't ready to be exposed. In about 7 days it was healed and looked normal again. Haven't had a blister or sore spot since. Herpes?




  1. Go see a doctor dude. Probs not, but see one anyway. You are like 50 years old so, the chances that you have an STD are higher, but that shouldnt stop you from just seeing the doc...

  2. Do you have a history of herpes anywhere else on your body (ie oral or or hands)?  If so, you could have transferred it to that part of your body or if you are in a relationship, your partner could have transferred it to that part of the body.  

    If you don't have a history of herpes as mentioned above, it could have been an allergic reaction to something or folliculitis or mulloscum.

    If it happens again, you will need to see a doctor.  If it doesn't happen again, then it was probably just an allergic reaction.

  3. If there were lesions and stuff, maybe.  Go to a doctor.

  4. yeaaaahhhhh u should go get that checked on

  5. naaaa your cool rock on dude and thx for serving the country

  6. Ewwwwww

    Go to your doctor  

  7.    It sounds like a negative on that .   Herpes causes an out break of vesicular type blisters that are painful in the genital area.   You also usually have occasional outbreaks.   I think that you're probably ok

  8. Could be...........go to a doctor

  9. Go to the doctors, that is the only way you can get a correct diagnosis, and treat whatever it may be. Be safe ok? Abstinence, is the only way to guarentee, no std's or unwanted pregnancy, and maintain a degree of moral standards. Share your love with someone who values you, in marriage. Why give yourself, to someone you have no idea you will stay with, and will be another one who has taken your self respect, and dignity think about it.

  10. no

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