
Does it sound like I could possibly have some sort of...?

by Guest61519  |  earlier

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social anxiety disorder?

I'd also like to say that almost everything that makes me nervous I don't believe is true. It's an irrational fear that I can't help....

I have a very hard time looking people in the eye, I fidget a lot at school or around people, even when no one is talking to me, and I get really nervous.

If I'm close to people I often just look at the floor, though I seem to easily get paranoid that people are thinking I'm staring at them or myself.......

When people ask me something my mind often goes blank and I have trouble thinking.

I even avoid crossing people on the sidewalk because I'm afraid they'll say or think something negative about me, or judge me.

When I'm speaking to people I sometimes start laughing because I'm so nervous, I say "um" a lot, I fidget like crazy, I look at different things throughout the room, I sometimes stutter, etc.

I get really paranoid about silly things like people thinking the way I'm standing looks weird or something....

I've been this way for a long time......Years, though it got a lot worse in middle school.

I'm only fourteen....




  1. You would need a doctor or a therapist to make a diagnosis.  I think it is worthwhile to speak to somebody about this.  I have social phobia and was really helped by going to a therapist when I was a teen-ager.  I have also read that the younger a person is when they get therapy for these types of things, the better they do.  Seeing a therapist never hurts even if it's just to help boost up your self-confidence.  Do you think your parents would be willing to drive you to see a therapist?  I would recommend speaking to them about it.

  2. chica, it sounds like you just have low self esteem. very worried about what people say about you. it also sounds like some people have said some mean things to you. try to confide in one of your best friends, someone who you dont get nervous around. it should get better in just a little bit, its just a stage some people go through.

    i promise you, just hang out as much as you can with one of your buddies, and go to the movies or something. you will be surprised, at how just being yourself can boost your self esteem.

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