
Does it sound like he's cheating?

by  |  earlier

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me and my partner are very happy, im 26 weeks pregnant and expectin our first child,

he has a job working away and stays there quite often and dont get to see him as much as i like,

when he does come home we hardly spend much time together and we can be away from each other for weeks and when we do get time together we never seem to get intamite, he always puts his phone on silent or turns it off and takes it everywere he goes even when he goes to the shower??? he is only 22 and i dont quite see how nwe can spend so much time apart and then when we do get the chance to be alone we never do anything??? is it me or does it sound like he is seeing someone else over were he works????




  1. if he's taking his phone into the shower it's most likely because he is cheating. I would def talk to him about it because your having his baby. he needs to get his priorities in check.

  2. I'm undecided.

    Get more proof.

    I'm leaning towards him being up to something though with that silent ringer.

  3. it's hard to say without knowing the person; but if you're feeling uncomfortable and ignored... you should definitely have a talk with him.  that is the only way to find out.

  4. The phone situation doesn't sound too good to me. Some men get weird about s*x when their partner is pregnant. you need to tell him that you need to talk to him and see what his reaction is. is he shifty or does he want to reassure you. You need to be able to trust in a relationship. Best wishes for your baby.

  5. ask him whats going on, possibly he is feeling pressures from

    family, work, etc.

    if he's taking the phone to the shower, I'd say yes, it sounds like he's cheating!

  6. It sounds very suspicous to me.  Take a peek at that phone!

  7. It does sound awfully suspicious, with the phone situation. Classic cheater move to keep the phone with them at all times.

  8. Nope, hes probably tired from work but if hes' usually very happy well maybe there is a problem in his social life and you should talk about it  

  9. i would be suspicous too. just be honest with him and tell him that you feel like youre on the back burner and see what he says.. just remember when the baby comes they'll be even less time for you guys to spend together and tell him that. hope everything works out  

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