
Does it sound like i retore my hamstring?

by  |  earlier

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I i went to track practice and my hamstring was not complety healed from its previous tear but was alot better and i then went and only did 3*200's, 2*100's and 1*80 but after the 1 st 100 my hamstring felt very tight and my 80 was supposed to be a 100 but i stopped because of my hamstring started to hurt. it felt ok until 30mins-hour after i had stopped but now hurts sometimes even if you take too lage of a step???it doesnt hurt as much as it did when i originally tore it but hurts quite abit... is it another tear?




  1. I can only really say that you may have just tugged at i and not really torn it again. Your hamstring might be very sensitive because it is recovering. Ask a coach or trainer.

  2. If you can see bruising tomorrow then you pulled it.

    Use some ice and gentle massage, don't over stretch the leg.

    You should not be doing fast runs while you are still sore or tight.

    Warm up and use a wrap or sleeve on the leg until you don't feel discomfort while running.

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