
Does it sound like labor is close?

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I am 36 weeks and I woke up this morning and really the only way to round up the feeling I have is like I am 2 or 3months pregnant again. I am sick threw up once but just so sick to my stomach. She still moves alot but for the past three days not as much as she was. And I have so much pressure in my lower part of my stomach that feels like period cramps like I haven't had them in forever!! It hurts to stand or to sit up. Really all that helps the pressure is to lean back on pillows or something. This is my second child but they are almost 7 years in between and both are completely different. So does this sound like I am close or maybe baby girl will be coming soon. Just like to here other people experience. By the way she has been breached this whole time head up feet at the bottom. I had OB app. Tues and they think that she turned but is giving me a ultrasound Sept 9th to make sure she did. Why 2 weeks I don't know I thought I was suppose to be going every week by now. But thanks and any advice to help the pain or experiences will help. Thank You :)




  1. sounds like it could be brax hick contractions.. ive been having them all week and yes it suxs.. just relax drink water and lay on your left side if they get worse call your doctor or go to hospital to make sure evrythngs okay

  2. Sounds like you're getting close...but those symptoms can last the last few weeks so it may not be in the next few days! With my second everything felt different too, I didn't even realize i was in labor! With the first I felt normal contractions like period cramps and with the second I was just extremely uncomfortable and had a few sharp pains through my cervix which I didn't think much about until the doc hooked me up to the monitor and showed I was in labor! Try a warm bath to relax your muscles and if it doesn't go away call your doc for an early visit..Good Luck!!

  3. WOW!  I am having the same thing.  I am 36 weeks too.  My menstrual like cramps are really bothering me right now (just asked a question about them).  What could this be?  I am going to mark your questions so I can see what everyone says.

    Good luck :)

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