
Does it sound like my son could be autistic? Or maybe something else?

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My son is 2. He's always been highly strung and restless. Some of the behaviours I've had mentioned to me is he walks a lot on tip-toe, makes strange sounds a lot, doesn't play with any toys, doesn't sit still, repetitively takes blocks out of the bucket and puts them back in, repeats words more than 10 times and just aimlessly wanders regardless of stimulation.

He also puts his hands over his ears a lot if we're out in the grocery store or something. He knows a lot of words, but he talks a lot of nonsense too, like talking about things that aren't there. He is just so exhausting, my other son isn't like this (I know all kids are different).

A few people have commented on him, and I've been worried for a while also. Do you think he could have mild autism or something?




  1. How old is he?

    I'd say most young children are a bit random and do weird things, so it sounds totally normal.

    I'd ask a professional... if you think it's a serious problem and he's 6+ years old then talk to a paediatrician.

  2. is the site for the Autism Research Institute in CA.

    write E-2 form in the search box. It will tell you how to download a form that you fill out. Based on your answers, the Institute will give you their opinion on autism and your child.

    I would also ask your Pediatrician to recommend a good place in your area to have complete evaluation done.Good luck!

  3. It sounds like he might be. You should have him evaluated by a speech pathologists, psychologist, and an occupational therapist.

  4. This sounds serious! I believe you should take him to a doctor, see what they would have to say. I believe he probaly has some mental disability, which is fine. But you really need to look into it. No worries, though. When he covers his ears, it's probaly because the area is too loud for him.

  5. It could be that he does have an autistic spectrum disorder. He could also have any one of a number of pervasive development disorders. He might also have absolutely nothing to worry about and just be a normal child going through the different phases of growing up. At 2 years old a good clinical psychologist could assess him but they would be reluctant to diagnose and label at such a young age. I think you should keep a record of his behaviours and if you are worried then get a clinical psychologist to assess him and keep an eye on him. Even if he did have high functioning autism he would probably not be diagnosed until he started school. Many people who do have an autistic spectrum disorder are never diagnosed and go on to live happy and productive lives. As his parent you know him best so if you are worried go and talk to your doctor about him.

  6. if he is very honest or can't take a joke it could be a possibility

  7. i dont think its autism.  its more like Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) to me.  have him assessed by a developmental pediatrician.

  8. It could be. Also, it may be Asperger's Syndrome (or Disorder), which is very similar. You should bring up your concerns with your pediatrician and get a proper diagnosis from a specialist. If your son does have something like autism or Asperger's, he will likely qualify for special services through the public school system, which I encourage you to look into. Children as young as 2 and 3 can benefit from early intervention, and it will give them the best chance at a successful future.

  9. google "sensory integration disorder".  That's ur kid.

    Get with ur states early intervention program.  Unsure, call your local elementary school.  Tell them u want to talk to the "child find administrator".  They should be able to get u in touch with some therapy pronto.

    I am a pediatric occupational therapist.  Dont let anyone label ur kid with autism until he's older and u know 4 sure.  Treat the problems, dont worry about defining them.

  10. It does sound like classic signs.  I have a 14 year old who had alot of the same symptoms but after I had him tested it was discovered that he had two conditions. ADHD & CAPD.  Your son may have a mild form of autism as well as something else.  I think that best way to rally find out it to ahve him tested.  I know that it is a scary thing to think that your child is "different" but the earlier you find out what it is, the better chance he'll have to start his proper education from an early age

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