
Does it strike you as odd how the media describes Reinado (east timor)?

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<<But East Timor's most wanted man yesterday rejected Attorney-General Longuinhos Monteiro's call to hand himself in, saying: "There is no such word as surrender for Reinado."

Major Reinado is wanted on murder and illegal weapons charges related to the civil and military unrest last year in which dozens died. >>

Reinado's being offered as a patsy to take the blame.

If Reinado is "most wanted" then those higher on the list must be somehow immune from prosecution.

When was it an offence to call a warning and then fire at morons invading your headquarters ? No jury would convict.

The media is somehow in cahoots with those higher up on the list.




  1. Fugitive East Timorese rebel leader Alfredo Reinado has vowed never to surrender to Australian soldiers and says he will defend himself if fired upon.

    Using contacts based in the hills and jungles around Dili, a team from the ABC&#039;s Foreign Correspondent program found their way to Reinado&#039;s hideout and interviewed the rebel leader.

  2. East Timor is a &#039;baby&#039; country and is still adjusting to their newly found independence from Indonesia after several years of being tortured and their race being annihilated from the world.  East Timorese people were overwhelmed and still groping from the dark that leads them to focus on themselves rather than for the good of their country.  And one of this is Major Reinado who thinks that he is the chosen one.  Anyone who grabbed power from a duly elected officials is a traitor.  In an independent and democratic country ELECTION is the law that gives and grant power to the elected one.  Hence anyone who tries to grab that power violate the law and should be punish and if possible be put to death.  If he wanted to be in power Major Reinado should follow the law: let yourself be elected by the people.

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