
Does it surprise anyone that as of Sunday, Stu still hadnt seen his little girl?

by  |  earlier

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The best he had done was a phone call to her apparently ........ Yep, he must have been so desperate to see her ........ (once he's got his magazine deals out of the way of course).

He never fooled me, and he's only proving me right with his actions.




  1. why is how much stu sees his daughter any of your concern. if you ask me he is doing the right thing anywhere he goes at the moment he will get mobbed why put his little girl through that. he will see her when the time is right. he speaks to her everyday god knows how many times. I think he needed to hear her voice more than anything and know she was ok. he is a good guy. end of  

  2. In a It annoys me so much when people with kids - especially single parents - go on Big Brother or other reality shows and spend the whole time saying how much they miss them. They have made a choice to ditch their kid just so they can get on tv - how does their poor child feel about that? Its all very well saying they are doing it to get a better life for their child but how many of them actually do well out of it? Not many.

  3. I know! If he missed her as much as he said he did when he was in the house he would of just walked.

    Not just keep moaning about how much he misses her but doing nothing about it. He didnt really want to go i dont think

  4. You should know that when they come out of BB...the contestants can't just rush home.

  5. This happens every year with the contestants - it happened with Jade Goody in the CBB house.  I think they are under contract that they have to stay in the hotel for so many days and are not allowed to go home.  I am sure he was genuinely missing his little girl and phoning her was making the contact with her he craved.

  6. I said all along he used her for airtime and sympathy!

    He only mentioned her when he was up for eviction!

  7. what bugs me is that some fathers are away from home for months on end my fiancee is in the army went to iraq for 8 months how would he of liked that i know they can't just rush home but he did ring her some dad's don't even do that for months on end

  8. And you would do exactly the same if you were offered thousands of pounds ,Santa Claus will be bringing lots of lovely presents to that little girl ,Fathers went on Oil Rigs and in the Merchant navy for months  at one time to bring home vast amounts of money for their family's .I bet she is so proud he is her dad and hes been on Big Brother ,At least she has seen him on TV  

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