
Does it take a lot of professional knowledge to grow hybrid corn successfully?

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I have just finished horticultural engineering studies at the university but I don't have any experience with growing corn. I applied for a job that doesn't mention experience in corn seed producing as a criteria. I'm just wondering if I have a chance with my bookish knowledge.




  1. Hybrid corn is not much different from regular corn.  If anything hybrid corn should be easier to grow if it was "brid" to be easier to grow.

  2. To grow it successfully, like, with a high yield?  Yeah, you'll need some in-depth knowledge into a lot of aspects of growing.  But just to grow some for yourself?  No, basically anybody can do that.

  3. How did you get to the stage you are at in your education without already knowing the answer to your question.  Anybody can grow hybrid corn successfully -- but, for top quality and yields, yes, it either takes professional knowledge or many years of experience.

    I suspect you may have trouble getting a full-time job with your "bookish:" knowledge as you put it.  Here's a suggestion.  Try to work as an agricultural or horticultural intern for a growing season or two.  I grew up in the Denver suburbs, but had a successful ag. career.  I started out with a combination of good plant pathology education, a summer harvesting wheat, and a summer as a field consultant intern.  There is no substitute for hands on, down in the soil first hand knowledge.  You absolutely cannot learn farming or horticulture from books.  You have to experience it.

  4. If you are asking about producing hybrid corn seed, then yes, it takes a lot of professional knowledge in genetics and plant breeding.  If you are just talking about growing hybrid corn, after you buy the seed, then no, it would be no different than growing any other kind of corn.  You can get any information you may be lacking from your County Extension Agent and bone up on the subject.

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